Astro Isha

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Aries Sign is known as Mesha Rashi in Vedic Astrology. This fiery sign is a male by gender and rules the east direction. It gives Pitta Dosha. It controls the head, face and brain. Mars is the lord of Aries Sign. Sun is exalted while Saturn is debilitated in Aries Sign.

Physical Features

Birth in Aries Moon generally gives slim body, oval face and long teeth. They can have a toned and well chiseled body via workout especially if Mars is in good condition. Even females can have a fit body with beautiful curves if they do regular workouts. They may have injury scar, burn marks or acne/pimples on face. Many of them have constant complain of migraine and headache.

General Character

Aries is an action oriented sign and those with Moon in Aries hate procrastination. They like to get things done without thinking much about consequence. Their tough character and strong will-power is an asset in times of adversities. They remain unfazed by adversities, disappointments and failures and keep working hard till they eventually succeed. Aries Moon gives a tough exterior but a warm heart. They are quick to get angry and criticize but would go out of their way for those in need.

Aries Moon gives an honest and trustworthy personality. But it also gives anger problems and inability to tolerate laziness, lies and deceit. They are also prone to assaulting and abusing others when angry or frustrated.


Aries Moon excel in career where work needs to be done quickly and efficiently. Those with Aries Moon can make excellent surgeons and doctors especially if Moon is in Ashvini and Bharani nakshatra. They could also make excellent criminal lawyers. Other good careers are in defence, law and order like police, military or peace keeping force. Aries Moon in ascendant can make one rise to top of management chain due to their quick, orderly and efficient work style. Aries Moon can also provide great career as a sportsperson due to their highly competitive nature. They are less suited to work in places where patience and attention to detail are required.

Business related to defense, metals, medical equipments and IT hardware is ideal to be pursued. They can also start independent practise as a lawyer or surgeon who runs his own hospital.

Marriage and Family

Aries Moon generally love being the dominant partner in relationship. In majority of the cases they are honest and faithful in marriage. Ofcourse they are sexually quite active especially those born in Bharani nakshatra. As such they may seek extra-marital affairs if physical intimacy is lacking in marriage. Physical attraction and fitness play an important role in getting them married. Aries Moon makes them hot headed who often lose their cool in relationship. If Moon is afflicted than they may even resort to domestic violence in marriage.

Chances of being involved in romantic relationship with others prior to marriage are not entirely ruled out. They may belong to a rich and influential family provided Venus and second house are in good condition. Mother can be kind, caring and compassionate provided fourth house and Moon are free from afflictions. Father can be ambitious and over-bearing personality who has unrealistic expectation from native. Children can be smart, popular and influential especially if Sun and fifth house are in good condition.


Acidity, skin problems, headache, head injuries, insomnia, ulcers, stones in digestive tract, jaundice, weak nervous system, bad eyesight, acne and fever are all possible.


Honest, hard working, optimist, strong willpower, energetic, quick thoughs and actions.


Anger, sarcasm, aggression, fault finding, high principles in life.


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