Astro Isha

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     Sun is a fiery planet and has fire element in abundance. Pisces is a watery sign with two fishes at its symbol. Sun represents ego and pride. Pisces being lorded by Jupiter has abundance of empathy and compassion. Sun in Pisces keeps the ego and pride in check. Such natives are some of the most gentle souls on this planet.

     One complain that is always associated with Sun is its lack of empathy and being too egoistic and prideful. Ofcourse Sun sees it as confidence and poise but other planets don't share that view. In the gentle and caring Pisces Sign this drawback of Sun is nullified. A person with Sun in Pisces is able to let go of his pride and work towards betterment of others. He/She shows kindness, compassion and empathy towards others. This means they are ideal HR's and bosses. Ofcourse the other side of story is they are too kind for their own good. Often people take advantage of their kindess, compassion and empathy. For companies who view their employees as valuable resource natives with Sun in Pisces are a gift of heavens.

     Natives with Sun in Pisces could also have an ideal career as human and animal right activists, pet shelter, lawyer, HR, singer, sports or entertainment. Some of the greatest singers and musicians including Celine Dion, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Mariah Carey, Alka Yagnik among others were born with Sun in Pisces. Pisces being the twelfth sign rules over imagination and research. Albert Einstein was born with Sun in Pisces in tenth house along with Venus doing Malavya Yoga, Mercury doing NBRY and Saturn as co-tenants. Co-founder of Google Larry Page was also born with Sun in Pisces. Sun in Pisces also allows career as sportsperson. Many sportspersons like basketball star Shaquille O’ Neal, wrestler Undertaker, gymast Simone Billes, footballer Ronaldinho, Sergio Ramos among others have Sun in Pisces. Exalted Venus+Sun in Pisces may also allow work as an entertainer like Bruce Willis, Keira Knightley, Reese Witherspoon, Gary Oldman, Kangana Ranaut and Jessica Chastain.

     Sun also rules over health. Unfortunately Sun in Pisces generally suggests bad health. It may give acute Kapha Dosha which in turn would mean frequent cough, cold and fever. Sun's aspect can cause problems in digestion especially intestines. Chances of GERD and other digestive problems are not ruled out.

     Sun in Pisces is bad for health but decent for career. Sun in Pisces makes native gentle, kind and caring towards others. That means many people take advantage of them. But there are also those who are suffering and broken who need some empathy. Sun in Pisces provides that empathy and compassion for others. The world needs a few good people and natives with Sun in Pisces are those people who can overlook profits and focus on human emotions.

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