Astro Isha

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What is Kapha Dosha?

     Kapha dosha is when natives have more prominence of water and earth elements in the body. Elements are better described in article: Elements and Astrology.

Diseases Related to Kapha Dosha

     Kapha dosha is known to cause cold, chest and nose congestion due to mucous, running nose, allergies, asthma, dehydration, indigestion, obesity, frequent swellings due to inflammatory diseases, oily skin, pimples among others. Serious diseases like diabetes and depression are also results of kapha dosha.

Astrological Factors

     Vedic astrology can be used to predict if a native can have Kapha Dosha. If native is born in an ascendant which is a watery sign namely Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces than he is likely to have kapha dosha. The effects of kapha dosha increase multi-fold if both ascendant and Moon are in watery signs. Both Moon and Venus have water element and their location in ascendant is likely to cause Kapha Dosha.

Diets To Intake

     Apples, cherries, apricots, figs(dry), lemons, ginger, garlic, cabbage, carrots, celery and all green and leafy vegetables. One can also consume almost all pulses and grains. Try honey instead of sugar. Drink warm water in morning and after eating.

Diets to Avoid

     All sweet and carbonated drinks. sugar, too much oily or salty food, bananas, dry raisins, artificial mango drinks, pumpkin, water melons, sweet potatoes and tomatoes. Eat only moderate proportions of food which are watery, sweet or oily. Also avoid refrigerated water, alcohol etc.

Recommended Yogas

     12 poses of Surya namaskar are most ideal. Tadasana, Vrikshashana and Paschimotasana with proper breathing techniques also helps cure some of the kapha dosha problems.

Recommended Mudras

     Jal/Varun Mudra is the best but should only be done for 5 Minutes maximum. Linga Mudra can also be done but it should only be done by those having acute cold and chest congestion due to Mucous. Those suffering from diabetes can try apan mudra.

Recommended Pranayam

     Bhastrika Pranayam for atleast 10-15 minutes as well as Anulom Vilom for around 10 minutes. If there are diseases like diabetes then adding Kapal Bhati would also greatly help reduce its bad effects.

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