Astro Isha

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What is Vata Dosha

     In ayurveda a body has three major constitution vata dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha. Dosha is also known as prakriti. Vata dosha is when natives have more prominence of air and ether elements in the body. Elements are better described in article: Elements and Astrology.

Diseases related of Vata Dosha

Vata Dosha causes diseases related to gastric problems especially flatulence, possible headaches, knee problems, diseases related to movement, dry skin and hair, constipation, lower back pain, dry coughs, nervous disorders, stress disorders, fatigue and even arthritis.

Astrological factors indicating Vata Dosha

     Vata dosha is highly likely for people born in ascendant which has windy signs like Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. It is also likely if Moon is in one of the windy signs. Besides that Jupiter and Saturn are known to cause vata dosha and placement in ascendant or windy sign is sure to create vata dosha.

Diet to Intake

     Natives with vata dosha should try to intake items like garlic, ginger, mint and asafoetida in adequate proportions. Also diet like spinach, onions, green beans and coriander can help with Vata dosha. Also natives must try consuming oil especially 1-2 spoons of castor oil a week to totally remove vata dosha.

Diet to Avoid

     Natives should avoid potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, lettuce, cauliflower, white beans and red meat.

Recommended Yogas

     Trikonasana, Vrikshashana, Tadasana, Pavan Mukt Asana and Naukasana. Twelve steps of Surya Namaskar also helps.

Recommended Mudras

     Vayu mudra and Shunya mudra can help reduce excessive vata dosha in the body. Do not exceed for more then 5-10 Minutes or there could be problems.

Recommended Pranayam

     Kapal Bhati Pranayam and Ujjayi Pranayam.

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