Astro Isha

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Taurus Sign is known as Vrishabha Rashi in Vedic Astrology. Taurus is an earthy sign, female by gender and rules the south direction. It controls the mouth, neck and voice box. It gives both Vata and Kapha Dosha. Venus rules over Taurus Sign while Moon is exalted in it.

Physical Features

Taurus Moon gives unparalleled beauty along with grace and charm. Skin can be a bit dark if born with Moon in Krittika nakshatra while there will be a lighter shade for those born in Rohini and Mrigashira nakshatra. Irrelevant of skin color facial features are attractive with beautiful smooth skin and attractive face. Those with Moon with Venus in Rohini nakshatra will rival Goddess Aphrodite or an Apsara(celestial nymph). They generally have thin neck, beautiful smile and wonderful hair texture. Taurus Moon generally gives alluring eyes who can draw attention of opposite sex with a single gaze.

Note: If ascendant, ascendant lord or Moon are afflicted than physical looks may not match what is described.

General Character

Moon in Taurus gives an attractive and likable personality. They tend to inherit traits like nobility, kindness and compassion in them. They are pacifist and rarely ever get angry or seek confontration. They are smart, intelligent and well behaved. Their physical appearance is generally quite attractive with youthful skin, prominent cheeks and beautiful eyes. They also display traits of Venus like good fashion sense, romantic personality and aristocratic lifestyle.


Natives with Taurus Moon are sensitive and kind. As such they are less suited to work in a competitive work environment. They can do quite well in banking and financial sector. They can also become wonderful doctors and physicians. Due to their beauty and good fashion sense they can work as actress, model or fashion designer. They are wonderful artists and can also work as architects, painters, decorators and interior designers.

Taurus Moon can give better results in business sector. Job sector is less suited although working in banking, finance, entertainment, fashion industry and web designing is suited. They can also work in food and catering sector. Working as makeup artists,spa and rejuvenation center, hair stylist, graphic designers, animation and VFX, mehndi artists, bridal makeup etc is also suited.

Marriage and Family

Both Moon and Venus who rules Taurus are associated with emotions and love. Natives generally give and receive plenty of love and respect from others. Natives excel in matters of love and romance. They are quite romantic and generally get into love marriage. Even in those case where arranged marriage natives will try to be faithful and understanding partner in marriage. Their good looks and charm can attract plenty of interest even after marriage. As such some care advised against seeking extra-marital affairs after marriage.

Taurus Moon natives dislike argumentation and fights. They are generally calm and assertive with their partner. Divorces are rare and only happen when there is an abusive or over suspicious partner. They have a loving family and good set of friends. Natives are advised to spend wisely on friends and keep a balance sheet of income and spending. Family can be chatty and fun loving provided second house and Mercury are in good condition. Mother can be confident but over-bearing who pushes natives towards success. Father can be tensed but caring individual. Children can be competitive and calculative.


Pain in neck, cough and cold symptoms, voice problems, heart problems are possible if Moon is afflicted. Sometimes obese body can give problems of blood circulation. Muscle cramps are also a common symptom. 


Learned, wise, good natured, calm, composed and compassionate.


Lazy, pleasure loving, gluttony, exuberant spending, fashionista, gambling and addictions

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