Astro Isha

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Gemini Sign is known as Mithuna Rashi in Vedic Astrology. This windy sign is male by gender and rules the west direction. It gives Vatta Dosha. It rules the chest, hands and rib cage. Mercury is the lord of Gemini.

General Character

Gemini Moon gives a talkative and extrovert personality. They are quite intelligent and able to talk on range of subjects. Gemini Moon natives love the rich and articulate life. They are extra-ordinary at sales and marketing and could even sell a comb to a bald person. Geminians are less likely to remain humble once they achieve success.

They have excellent mimicry skills and prone to taunting others. They are also quite critical of others. Gemini is a dual sign and natives with Gemini Moon often have dual personalities. Sometimes they are happy and cheerful while other times they are angry and irritated.


Natives with Moon in Gemini are expert talkers. As such any job related to media, communication, journalism, writing and being a critique are ideal. Most of the star salesman and marketing executive have either Moon in Gemini or some favorable combination in Gemini. Gemini Moon can also work in call center or help desk. There is a possibility to work as a biologist, pathologist or any career which deals with bacteria, germs and viruses especially if birth is in Ardra nakshatra.

They are less suited to work in places which require excess physical labor. Geminians can also be involved in software/app development especially communication applications or even in software management. Geminians have a knack for finding faults and as such they can be wonderful critiques, software testers and film editors. Geminians are wonderful mimicry artist and as such can work as comedians and talk show hosts on news and television channels. They can also successfully run their own social media account and earn decent income. Geminians can also make wonderful teachers, professors and advisers. Birth in Ardra or Punarvasu may allow Gemini Moon to become successful doctors or virologist.

Business related to marketing firm, financial advisary, PR agency, starting mobile shop or internet service provider can provide good returns. They are excellent with facts and data and any career which involves them is ideal to be pursued.

Marriage and Family

Gemini Moon are articulate and have a way with words. As such they need to find partners who are into romance, poetry and literature. One bad habit of Gemini Moon is to taunt and take jibes at partner especially in front of others. Forewarned for natives to find a partner who is open-minded to criticism. Gemini Natives are prone to spoil many a relationships due to their humor and fun making nature. On rare occasions they may commit adultery and cheating.

They are advised to keep a safe distance while flirting and avoid casual relationship with anyone other than partners. They have a tendency to disassociate with old friends in order to bond with new friends. Mother in most cases is practical and places unrealistic expecations on individuals. Father is generally the kind and caring individual. Family can be kind, caring and emotional. Children especially females can be beautiful and intelligent.


There are chances of mental health problems or neurological disoders especially if Moon, ascendant and third house are afflicted. Others health problems related to over-thinking, insomnia, lung disorders, bronchitis, liver problems, constipation, acidity, flatulence are a possibility.


Marketing genius, quick thinkers, intelligent, wondeful observation skills.


Impatient, poking fun at others, wavering mind, dual personality, very talkative.


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