Astro Isha

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Friendly Debilitation

     Venus in Virgo Sign is said to be debilitated(neecha). Mercury is the natural lord of Virgo. Venus and Mercury are good friends so debilitation of Venus in Mercury's sign seems strange. But once you understand how Virgo and Venus function its becomes easy to solve this puzzle. Virgo is a calculative sign which seeks perfection in everything it does, loves to compete and adheres to practical approach for everything. Its the second most boring sign in horoscope after Capricorn.

     Venus on other hand is the planet of love and romance. Venus is a pleasure seeking planet who loves aristocracy and show-off. Venus wouldn't mind losing most of monthly salary on weekend shopping. Venus is more than happy to live on credit cards and borrowed money. Virgo is way too stingy and calculative for liking of Venus.

Nightmare For Love Life

     Venus in Virgo makes a person calculative and perhaps a little too practical in matters of love and marriage. In an arranged marriage setting this is an ideal scenario. This guarantees timely marriage, children and good family life. Venus in Virgo seeks validation from society over affection and love from partner. This may seem ideal for many but its actually not.

     True love doesn't seek validation from anyone. Love doesn't care what others think. Its only objective is to seek happiness, joy and pleasure in company of the object of affection. Love is about sharing the good, bad and ugly together come what may. True love is fighting in the morning and reconciling at night.

Constant Criticism and Taunts

     Virgo being the sixth sign is way too competitive. Those with Venus in Virgo often have a very bad habit of competing with their marriage partner. They generally seek someone who is equal to them in career standing. If they are not competing with spouse than they would be too obsessed with matching other couples in social standing. They forget to enjoy and appreciate differences with spouse. They forget to do silly things which can entertain their spouse and children.

     They are prone to criticising and taunting their marriage partner in public. Its difficult for them to adapt and appreciate differences with their marriage partners. They are too obsessed with moulding their partner into their idea of perfection.

Enjoying Imperfection

     Venus in Virgo are obsessed with finding the perfect life partner to seek social validation. They seek a perfectly balanced marriage life with little or no chance of things going wrong. They would find it very hard to adapt and accomodate differences with partner in marriage. They are prone to even compete with partner or other couples as if society would give them a medal for it.

     Only issue is a perfect relationship doesn't exist. As Dave Meurer rightly said: A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together but when an 'imperfect couple' learns to enjoy their differences. Enjoying the many ups and downs of life together while never leaving each others side is what makes a successful marriage and relationship.

     The marriage partner is not ones enemy or competition nor is he/she your other half or a Yang to your Yin. Venus in Virgo need to stop seeking relationship to compete or complete themselves. Marriage and relationships is about sharing the good and bad, ups and downs of life as well as adapting and accommodating to each others shortcomings.

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