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2022 For Lovers

     With valentines day just around the corner many potential singles would hope to find a suitable love interest. Ofcourse many of them would be thinking of proposing on valentines. Unless you are absolutely sure of a positive response its a bad idea to propose on valentines. Cause stars and planets don't follow gregorian calendar. Its a much better idea to propose when Moon is in Rohini nakshatra.

     Ultimately the main goal of all singles should be to find that special someone with whom they spend a lifetime. Fortunately three major planets namely Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are changing signs in April 2022. This can trigger romance and marriage in life of many natives. Below are the possibilities to marry and settle down in next few years for all twelve ascendants.

Aries Ascendant

     If Aries Ascendant are able to find a suitable match then they could marry between Mid-June to Mid-July 2022. But a much better chance to marry maybe available next year with Saturn moves into Aquarius Sign which is their eleventh house. Rahu after Mid-April 2022 and Jupiter after April 2023 aspects their marriage house suggesting chances to marry and settle down until May 2024.

Taurus Ascendant

     Taurus Ascendants have a good chance to marry and settle down after Mid-April 2022 when Jupiter enters his own-sign in their eleventh house. Marriage can be triggered by Mars or Mercury influencing Gemini, Scorpio or Aquarius. Better chance when they transit via these signs. Its best for Taurus natives to marry before Mid-January 2023 as Saturn will start influencing their seventh house of marriage and twelfth house of physical intimacy afterwards. Saturn can delay marriage and physical intimacy in life of Taurus Ascendants during his transit via Aquarius.

Gemini Ascendant

     Gemini Ascendants have a much better chance to settle down after April 2023 when Jupiter will enter their eleventh house. There is a slight chance to marry after Mid-April 2022 when Rahu starts aspecting their seventh house of marriage. But its ill-advised as Rahu's aspect is on enemy sign. If possible Geminians should wait for May 2023 when Jupiter will start aspecting marriage house which has own-sign. Time between May 2023 to May 2024 is ideal for Gemini Ascendants to marry and settle down.

Cancer Ascendant

     Cancer Ascendant should try and marry this year as Saturn is in own-sign in seventh house of marriage. Time when either Venus or Sun influence Capricorn, Leo or Taurus maybe an ideal time to marry this year. Time after Mid-January 2023 maybe tough for Cancer Ascendants to marry and settle down. If possible Cancer Ascendants should marry between 11th November 2022 to 5th December 2022 when Venus is in fifth house of romance and aspecting their eleventh house of gains which has own-sign Taurus.

Leo Ascendant

     Leo Ascendant should probably wait for Mid-January 2023 when Saturn enters their seventh house of marriage. They should try to marry when Mercury transits via Gemini, Virgo or Aquarius in 2023. There is a slight possibility for marriage in 2022 between May to Mid-July. Leo Ascendant can relax if marriage doesn't happen in 2022 as Saturn in Aquarius stays for a couple of years giving them a chance to marry and settle down.

Virgo Ascendant

     Virgo Ascendant have an ideal year after Mid-April when marriage house lord Jupiter enters seventh house of marriage in Pisces Sign. Virgo's can marry anytime until May 2023 when Venus and Moon transit via Cancer, Libra or Pisces Sign. Virgo ascendants should try their level-best to marry before May 2023 otherwise they may have to wait afterwards for favorable transits.

Libra Ascendant

     Libra Ascendants can marry after Mid-April 2022 when Rahu moves into their marriage house which has Aries Sign. If possible they should marry after April 2023 once Jupiter enters their marriage house in his friendly sign. Libra Ascendants should relax if marriage doesn't happen in 2022 as they have a chance until May 2024 to marry and settle down. They should look to marry when Sun and Mars transit via Aries, Scorpio or Leo.

Scorpio Ascendant

     Scorpio Ascendants may find it hard to marry in 2022. For those who are already in a relationship should try to marry before Mid-April 2022 when Rahu is in their marriage house in friendly Taurus Sign. After Mid-April Jupiter's aspect on eleventh house can allow a few natives to marry. A much better opportunity presents itself after April 2023 once Jupiter starts aspecting their second house. Scorpions should time their marriage when either Mercury or Venus transit or aspect Sagittarius, Taurus or Virgo Sign.

Sagittarius Ascendant

     Sagittarius Ascendants have a better chance to marry when until Mid-April 2022 and later from Mid-July 2022 to Mid-January 2023 when Saturn occupies Capricorn Sign. Transits of Jupiter and Rahu are less favorable for marriage. They have to time their marriage when Venus or Mercury travel or aspect Capricorn, Gemini or Libra and Saturn is in Capricorn. Sagittarians should try their level best to marry before Saturn moves into Aquarius around Mid-January 2023.

Capricorn Ascendant

     Capricorn Ascendants have a much better chance to marry after Mid-January 2023 when Saturn moves into their second house which has Aquarius Sign. There is a slight chance between May to Mid-July 2022 when Saturn transits via Aquarius for a brief period of time. But those who haven't found anyone special should probably wait for next year for better prospects in married life. Another plus is Jupiter who will be aspecting their marriage house which has its exaltion sign Cancer. So marriage between Mid-January 2023 to Mid-April 2023 is ideal.

Aquarius Ascendant

     Aquarius Ascendant can marry after Mid-April 2022 with Jupiter moving into their second house in its own-sign. Furthermore Rahu will be aspecting their marriage house after Mid-April 2022 increasing chances of their marriage. Aquarians can marry until Mid-April 2023 due to Jupiter's favorable placement. If possible Aquarius Ascendant natives should avoid getting married between May to Mid-July 2022 and later after Mid-January 2023 when Saturn aspects their marriage house which has enemy Leo Sign.

Pisces Ascendant

     Pisces Ascendant natives have an ideal year to marry in 2022. Rahu is aspecting their marriage house until Mid-April 2022 which has friendly Virgo Sign. Saturn is in own-sign in eleventh house while Jupiter starts aspecing their marriage house after Mid-April 2022. Ideally they should time their marriage when Mars transits via Aries or Capricorn or when Mercury transits via Virgo. Pisces Ascendants should try their level best to marry when Saturn is in Capricorn Sign. Afterwards they may have to rely on aspects of Jupiter and Rahu for their marriage to happen. Ofcourse both Jupiter and Rahu can trigger marriage for Pisceans in next three years between Mid-April 2022 to Mid-May 2025.


     Essential idea is borrowed from popular youtube channel: KRSchannel. We have used his video as a reference point.

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