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Late Marriage Blues

     Normally late marriage is caused by a bad seventh house or twelfth house. Sometimes the affliction occurs in Navamsha Chart which is also known as D-9 Chart or Marriage Chart. Observation is either seventh house or twelfth house has to be bad in Main Chart or Navamsha Chart for marriage to get delayed.

     There are two other houses which can also lead to late marriage. In previous article we discussed how eleventh house can lead to late marriage. In this article we will focus on second house which is also one of the reasons for late marriage and not having a family.

House of Savings and Family

     Second house deals with family and life savings. In case of a bad second house its quite likely native cannot start his/her own family at the right age. In many countries and cultures around the world its a norm to be married before starting a family. And since there is a bad second house its not always possible to marry and start a family. Below are few examples charts with a bad second house which has led to late marriage in life of natives.

Case Study 1

     Above provided horoscope is of a male native who is born in 1985. He has yet to see marital happiness and faced countless rejections during last six years of seeking a suitable marriage alliance. In all fairness his seventh house is afflicted by Mars and aspect of Jupiter and Saturn. While his twelfth house has aspect of Saturn and Rahu leading to late marriage.

     But a look at his second house reveals aspect of Mars and Sun which burns down chances of enjoying family life. Also second house lord Saturn is afflicted by aspects of Mars and Rahu and placement of Ketu. It will be very difficult for the native to get married and enjoy a happy married life or start a family of his own.

Case Study 2

     Above provided horoscope is of a female native born in 1974. She has a fiery sign(Aries) in twelfth house and aspect of Rahu. Another problem is a fiery planet Mars aspecting marriage house which has own-sign(Scorpio). Still major problem is her eleventh house which has fiery Sun in eleventh house of gains and aspect of Saturn. This means there are delays in gaining a spouse.

     A look at her second house and picture becomes more clear. There is Saturn+Ketu in Gemini delaying her chances to marry and start a family of her own. Looking at overall condition of her chart there is a possibility to marry between Mid-April 2022 to May 2023 due to Jupiter. But its possible that she may not be able to have children and family of her own.

Case Study 3

     Above provided horoscope is of a female native born in 1982. She is born in Purva Phalguni nakshatra and is fit and beautiful for her age. Over and above she has done her Masters in Physics and on her way to doing Phd. Still despite all her credentials she is still unable to marry or settle down. And there are no major influences on her seventh house or twelfth house.

     Ofcourse her eleventh house of gains is afflicated by Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. Another reason for her late marriage is her second house which has Mars+Saturn in Virgo Sign. There is a chance for her marriage after January 2023 when Saturn moves into her marriage house still its safe to say it would be late for her to get married and start a family. Having a child maybe equally difficult due to Ketu in fiery sign in fifth house.

Four Houses

     In case of late marriage the first two houses which need to be analyzed are the seventh house and twelfth house. Seventh house is the marriage house while twelfth house rules over sex and physical intimacy. But if answers are not available for late marriage then check second house along with eleventh house. Chances are you should find some problems in these four houses in Main Chart and you may not need to analyze Navamsha Chart at all.

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