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     Marriage is the one of the most sought out questions related to astrology. Naturally everyone is interested in knowing Who, When, Where and How about marriage. Its not possible to get every detail right about your future spouse using astrology. But there are certain things which are common in most signs and ascendants.

Capricorn Ascendants

     For Capricorn Ascendants both male and female spouse is defined by Cancer Sign as it is the sign which rules the seventh house of marriage. Cancer is emotional, carefree, kind and caring. But at the same time it is disorganied and chaotic, impractical and cannot get serious about anything. In simple words: They just run with the flow of things.

     It becomes very difficult for Capricorn Ascendants to convince their moody and emotional spouse to marry them. Below are two famous personalities who were born with Capricorn Ascendants and had hard time trying to convince their spouse for marriage.

Barack Obama

     44th POTUS Mr. Barack Obama is born with a Capricorn Ascendant. He became the president of US due to NBRY as well as Sasha Yoga in his horoscope. Most people know that Mr. Obama met his future wife Ms. Michelle Robinson at a law firm in Chicago. And that Ms. Robinson was assigned as mentor to the intern Mr. Obama. Not many know that Ms. Robinson rejected Mr. Barack Obama countless times before finally agreeing to go out on a date with him.

     Ms. Michelle Robinson made countless arguments from I don't date to I am your advisor. It was only after repeated request by Mr. Obama and a threat to quit his job that Ms. Michelle Robinson relented and accepted to go on a date with him.

     Not only that it took three years of courtship for Mr. Obama to finally get married to Ms. Michelle Robinson. One of the most powerful man on this earth was powerless due to his Capricorn Ascendant and faced countless rejections from his lady love. But like a true Capricornian he never gave up, kept trying to impress his lady love and finally won her over.

Anil Ambani
anil ambani north
anil ambani south

     Mr. Anil Ambani is also born with a Capricorn Ascendant. Ambani surname in India means wealth, power and prestige. Ofcourse Mr. Anil Ambani's fortunes today are bad and he is under a lot of debt. But a few years ago he was one of the wealthiest person on this earth alive. When he had all the power and wealth than also his Capricorn Ascendant made him unable to win over his lady love Ms. Tina Munim who was a famous actress at that time. First it was his parents who were not too keen on his marriage to an actress and later it was Ms. Munim who decided to settle in US. It took a lot of time and efforts for Mr. Anil Ambani to finally convince Ms. Tina Munim to marry him. It took just as much time for him to convince his parents to accept Ms. Tina Munim as his marriage choice. Like a true Capricornian he waited patiently and kept trying to win over his lady love's hand as well as convince his parents to accept her. Finally at the age of 34 he was able to tie the knot to his lady love.

Marriage Tips for Capricornians

     Those born with Capricorn Ascendants whether they are male or female may need to keep trying hard to convince their moody and emotional spouse to marry them. And marriage would generally be late for them. Probably after 30 years of age in most cases. Capricorn ascendants may need to face rejections and dejections along the way. But they must keep trying hard to win over their object of affection. Nothing in life comes easy for Capricornians especially marriage.

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