Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Capricorn is a movable sign, female by gender and earthy by nature. Saturn rules over Capricorn Sign. General consensus for Capricorn ascendant is success comes late in life and first part is generally full of struggles. Normally females of this ascendant are organised, hard working and calculative. They don't take unnecessary risks in life.

Capricorn ascendant natives may have excessive amount of pessimism and realism but they also have unbelievable tenacity and ability to keep pursuing their goals in a steadfast manner.

Benefics and Malefic

Venus, Mercury and Saturn are considered benefics for this ascendant.

Mars, Jupiter and Moon are considered malefics for this ascendant.

Sun is considered a neutral for this ascendant.

Moon and Saturn are considered marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Females with Capricorn Ascendant have small eyes with big pupils like a deer. They have short to medium height but can be tall if born with ascendant in Dhanistha nakshatra. They look stout and a bit muscular compared to other females. There is a black mark on face, thigh or neck. Hair is black and sometimes messy. Complexion is dark brown or olive depending on geography. They have a very serious demeanor. They could have dimples on face.

Unless there are benefics in ascendant there is every chance they age faster than others. Symptoms of ageing like grey hair and wrinkles may appear earlier than normal. They generally appear serious but can have a great smile especially if Saturn is strong.


Capricorn is an ascendant of Saturn and like Saturn the female natives are slow and methodological in approach. Female natives are economical, careful, reasonable and practical. They are calculative and business minded and do not take unnecessary risk in life. Due to their over cautious approach success comes late in life. Their progress is always slow and steady. They have good organizational skills and practise tolerance which gives them the desired success in life. Unless ascendant has evil influence there is a good chance that the female natives are honest, sincere and reliant. If there are evil influences on ascendant the opposite scenario is true. They face many difficulties in early part of life but they have all the qualities to overcome them.

Capricorn ascendant does give a boring personality with lots of cynisim, realism and pessimism. Obviously they are not much popular among friends and peers. But it also gives a never say die attitude as well as ability to work hard and keep striving for success in an unrelenting manner. This makes them a valuable asset at workplace.


Capricorn females can carve out an excellent career in judiciary or as human rights/criminal lawyers. There is also a chance to work in IT sector in both software and hardware sectors, in electrical department, in banking sector or in hospitality and catering sector. They can also carve out an excellent career as fashion designers, jewelry designers, interior design and decoration as well as manufacturing of scents, perfumes and beauty products. Service roles in sales, marketing and communication sectors are ideal. They could also carve out a career in politics especially if Saturn is exalted or in ascendant.

If they have ancestral land than growing plants and vegetables which can grow in hot and humid conditions is ideal. They can also open financial consultancy , stock market advisary business, IT consultancy, software design and development company, open their own law firm or even do business related to water like fisheries, water purifying, cargo via water ways or even selling juice and other liquid drinks. Opening fast food or spicy restaurant is also a possible business option especially if Mars and Venus are strong in horoscope.

Marriage and Family

Normally female natives marry late as they prioritize career over settling down. Spouse signified by Cancer can be fair complexioned, caring and emotional. Spouse is the support system which the female native can always rely on. Unless there are very bad aspects on seventh house and eight house the female natives are unlikely to divorce. Female natives are warned not to be jealous or angry in marriage. Partner is caring and trustworthy though somewhat emotional and carefree.

Capricorn despite being a boring ascendant can provide a good love life provided Venus is strong. There is also a chance for love marriage. Relationship with family members is generally on good terms. Siblings as well as cousins if any can be kind, caring and helpful especially if Jupiter is well placed. There can be frictions with mother especially if fourth house is afflicted. Father is the more caring parent for them and chances are female natives love and adore their father more.


Too much thinking affects health and they often fall ill. They are likely to have problem in knee joints in later life. Perhaps a knee-replacement surgery is possible. Other diseases like diabetes, blood plessure and skin disesase likely. There are chances of heart surgery as well as problems in kidneys and urinary tract. Females can regularly suffer from indigestion and acid reflux problems especially after thirties.


Diligent, trustworthy, practical, methodological, economical, good organisers, calm and tolerant.


Jealously, get angered easily, serious attitude, unable to enjoy life fully, pessimist and suspicious of others.


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