Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Sagittarius is a dual sign, male by gender and fiery in nature. The lord of Sagittarius is the wise and benevolent Jupiter. Sagittarius Ascendant produces some of the greatest geniuses, doctors, researchers, lecturers, mathematicians and star marketeers. As such its an ideal ascendant for males who seek career in medicine, education and research. All the quadrants being ruled by Jupiter and Mercury suggests natives who are intelligent, wise, quick thinkers, articulate and knowledgeable.

Placement of Jupiter, Sun and Mars is more suited in ascendant. While placement of Rahu is less suited. Placements of Jupiter and Mercury will play a huge role in success or failure of individuals born in this ascendant.

Benefics and Malefics

Sun and Mars are considered benefics for this ascendant.

Venus, Saturn and Mercury are considered malefics for this ascendant.

Jupiter and Moon are considered neutrals for this ascendant.

Mercury and Saturn are considered marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features

Normally males have a long oval face and chubby cheeks. Neck is long and height is medium to tall. They have slanty and beautiful eyes. They have big ears and a long forehead. Teeth are symmetrical and they have a wonderful smile. There are chances of dental problems especially if Saturn is afflicted.

If ascendant is located in Purva Asadha nakshatra than natives are somewhat round. Otherwise if ascendant is located in Mula or Uttara Asadha than there are very high chances that the male native is slim. Skin color may vary depending on geography, aspects and placements of planets on the ascendants but it can be bit darker compared to normal complexion found in native's place.


Sagittarius is a fiery yet knowledgeable sign. As such male natives are honest, firm, confident and quite intelligent. They maybe appear fierce and tough on outside but qualities of their ascendant lord like compassion, kindness and empathy never go away. When they see others in trouble they are sure to lend a helping hand. Normally they enjoy good health but have been known to suffer from heat related disorders.

One or two bad qualities associated with Jupiter like procrastination, laziness and inability to prioritize maybe present in them. Males can have a natural affinity towards teaching, research or mathematics. They have a great intuition especially if Jupiter is strong. Irrelevant of educational qualifications they are dedicated to gaining knowledge throughout their lifetime.


Sagittarius is the sign of higher learning, research, religion and spirituality. As such career related to education, religion and spirituality can be pursued. Over and above they can have a wonderful career in government organisations, judiciary, communication and marketing. Sagittarius is probably the best ascendant to become doctors, surgeons and general physicians especially if ascendant falls in Moola or Purva Asadha nakshatra. Males can also carve out an excellent career in research and doctarate programmes. Over and above career in journalism, accountancy, coding and mathematics are possible.

Males can open a sea food or sea facing restaurant especially if Moon and fourth house are strong. They can also do farming of watery fruits and vegetables like water melon, musk melon and others. Business related to communication, setting up a mobile shop, marketing and PR firm, education institutions or consultancy for foreign travels, studies and immigration can be pursued. Starting and setting up their own private clinic or hospital is also suited especially if Jupiter has strength.

Marriage and Family

Males often marry late and prefer a youthful and bubby spouse. Generally male natives are the better half in marriage. Partner described by Gemini is talkative, witty, extrovert and fun loving personality who sometimes spills secrets and causes unnecessary controversies. As such males need to be large hearted and forgiving towards spouse. Gemini being a dual sign means spouse can have a wavering mind and unpredictable personality at times.

Aries rules the fifth house of romance. As such lover if any would be passionate, sexual, over-possessive and prone to anger outbursts. Unless fourth house has afflictions mother is the kind and caring individual who is the epitome of selfless love. Father may love competition and puts unrealistic pressure on individual to outperform his peers. Many times Sagittarians are born in poor and rigid families who rise due to their own merit. Unless Saturn is afflicted relationship with siblings and family can largely be on good terms.


Problems related to acid reflux and GERD can trouble them. Also possible are problems related to teeth, breathing problems, diarrhea. Chances of breast cancer are there. There are also possibilities of other heat related disorders.


Smart, independent, intelligent, analytical, truthful, compassionate and simple.


Can be easily angered, sometimes lazy, inability to prioritize and procrastination.


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