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Capricorn Ascendant

Capricorn is known as Makara Rashi in vedic astrology. It is a movable sign, earthy by nature, female by gender and rules the south direction. Saturn owns Capricorn, Mars gets exalted and Jupiter gets debilitated in Capricorn.

Capricorn ascendant is methodical, patient, career-oriented and has a serious demeanor. This makes it quite a dull and boring ascendant for love and marriage affairs.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Capricorn Ascendants has the graceful and aristocratic Taurus Sign. While seventh house has the emotional and caring Cancer Sign.

Capricorn's get along much better with lovers who are defined by Venus and Taurus. While they tend to have some differences with spouse who are defined by Cancer and Moon.

Capricorn Ascendant Lovers

Capricorn being the tenth sign is more focused on career and reputation rather than love affairs. Saturn who rules Capricorn also seeks responsibilities and duties over fun. As such Capricornians can only have a love life if fifth house and its lord Venus allow it. In case of fifth house lacking strength, its lord Venus in bad placement or afflicted chances of having a love life are diminished.

Ofcourse if fifth house or its lord Venus are associated with Moon than Capricornians can be blessed with a loyal and long-term love interest whom they most likely marry. Even Mars, Mercury or Rahu influencing fifth house or its lord Venus can lead to having one or multiple love interest before marriage.

Lovers defined by Taurus and Venus are beautiful/handsome, good cultured and with aristocratic mannerisms. Lovers also tend to be romantic and easy going. Lovers spend a lot of money on fashion, perfumes, skincare and looking good. Lovers will also ensure Capricornians dress for the occasion and behave in a certain way which is acceptable by society.

Capricornians are largely okay with their lovers who have Venusian qualities. After all they also seek societal acceptance. While Capricornians tend to be stingy they don't mind the occasional splurge of money to please society. As such break-ups from lovers only happen in extreme cases.

Capricorn Ascendant Marriage

Cancer Sign and Moon rule over marriage for Capricornians. Cancer is emotional, idealistic, impractical, loves freedom and hates following rules, guidelines and norms. Cancer spouse hates the career-oriented, dull, boring as well as unromantic side of natives.

Marriage will most likely have its share of differences. Male natives find it extremely hard to cope with the mood disorders and anger tantrums of their female spouse. Female natives just can't stand male spouse who are easy going and neglect career. If Cancer Sign or Moon are afflicted than one can also beget a manipulative spouse and in rare cases even a cheating spouse.

Ofcourse there are many positives of the Cancer spouse. The spouse is there to bring joy and humor in dull and boring life of Capricornians. Non chalant and freedom loving Cancer spouse is there to remind Capricornians to embrace chaos and unpredictability in life. Spouse defined by Cancer and Moon can also have nurturing qualities which comfort and care for Capricornians during bad times.

Taking Care Of Family

Capricornians are often guilty of neglecting spouse and family for career pursuits. This is mostly the reason for divorces and unhappy marriage. Career should never come in way of spending quality time with spouse, family and children. Spouse defined by Cancer can be moody and unrealistic at times especially female spouse. Capricorns are advised to be kind and forgiving with their tantrums during these times. Female natives should understand that a caring and kind male spouse even if unambitious would always stick with them in their bad times.

Spouse and family should be given the time and affection they deserve. Capricornians should also not hesitate to spend money on spouse and family. Just a little romantic behaviors, kind words and affection can ensure lifetime supply of love and loyalty from Cancer spouse.

Just Rough Idea

A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.


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