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Finding Love in 2025

loveValentine's week is about to begin and lots of readers would want to check if stars favor them in getting a new love interest in 2025. There maybe those who may wish to marry and settle down in 2025. Fortunately Rahu and Jupiter changing signs after Mid-May 2025 is ideal for many ascendants to either find a new love interest or marry and settle down. Below are the generalized predictions for twelve ascendants in matters of love and marriage in 2025.

Aries Ascendant

ariesSaturn until April will trouble love life of Arians via limiting aspect. Later Ketu after Mid-May will enter fifth house of romance which can cause differences and break-ups. On bright side Rahu's aspect can provide an unexpected love interest after Mid-May. Some care advised for those in commited relationship as Rahu can increase chances of an affair or illicit relationship.

Time after Mid-May is ideal for Arians who wish to marry and settle down with both Rahu and Jupiter helping them in their conquest. Arians who haven't found that special someone should try their luck after Mid-May and aim to marry and settle down before December 2026.

Taurus Ascendant

taurusTaurus seeking new love interest have a better chance until Mid-May due to Jupiter's weak influence on fifth house of romance. Overall love life will be challenging with Saturn joining Rahu-Ketu after March in influencing fifth house. To add salt to the wound there will be lunar and solar eclipse which will influence fifth house on 13th March 2025 and 29th March 2025 respectively. Breakups or bad love interest not ruled out especially until Mid-May for Taurans.

On bright side its an ideal year for those seeking to marry and settle down. Jupiter in Taurus until Mid-May and later in Cancer between Mid-October to December will help them in their desire to tie the knot. Taurans who haven't yet found that special someone may need to try harder as Saturn's influence won't allow them to find their life partner easily.

Gemini Ascendant

gemini2025 promises to be a golden year for both lovers and marriage seeking Geminians. Rahu after Mid-May can provide lovers with a new wonderful love interest. Rahu's positive influence can help lovers increase romance and passion in their love life via exotic travels and fun date nights.

Jupiter's positive influence after Mid-May is God given opportunity for lovers and those seeking arranged marriage to marry and settle down. Jupiter after Mid-May can also provide chance to forge marriage alliance which can lead to eventual marriage in 2026.

Cancer Ascendant

cancerCancer ascendants love life can gradually improve as Saturn after March and Rahu after Mid-May stop their malefic influence. Chances of finding a wonderful long-term love interest are high between Mid-October to December 2025 when exalted Jupiter influences fifth house of romance. Lovers should avoid travels especially around lunar and solar eclipse time in March 2025. Relationship with lovers can gradually improve after March. Love and romance can bloom again in love life after Mid-October due to exalted Jupiter..

Jupiter weak aspect until Mid-May and later between Mid-October to December may help those who wish to marry and settle down. Those who can't marry should not lose hope as chances of marriage increase drastically after December 2026 due to Rahu.

Leo Ascendant

leoLeo's have an ideal year after Mid-May with Jupiter and Rahu both helping in their conquest to find new love or get married. Jupiter aspecting fifth house of romance after Mid-May can lead to Leo's finding a wonderful and long-term love interest. Leo's already in relationship should plan fun date nights and social get togethers with friends and social circle after Mid-May which will help them increase romance and passion in their love life.

Whole year is ideal for Leo's seeking marriage with Saturn until April and Rahu from Mid-May influencing seventh house of marriage which has friendly Aquarius Sign. Eighteen months of Rahu in Aquarius between Mid-May 2025 to December 2026 is a blessing from heavens for Leo ascendants to marry and settle down. Leo's are advised to not waste this God given opportunity.

Virgo Sign

virgoVirgo Ascendants seeking new love interest can be helped by strong aspect of Mars until June 2025 on fifth house of romance. Ofcourse they need to make the first move as Mars rewards actions. 2025 can be tough for females and shy lovers who refuse to make first move. 2025 will favor lovers who are vocal about their feelings.

Virgo ascendants seeking marriage have a tough year. Time between March to Mid-May is not advised for marriage or sending marriage proposals as multiple planets including Saturn, Rahu and Ketu influence seventh house of marriage. Virgo ascendants seeking marriage are advised to exchange wedding vows between Mid-October to 10th November 2025 when exalted Jupiter is direct and aspects seventh house of marriage.

Libra Sign

leo2025 is a golden year for Librans in matters of love and romance. Rahu entering fifth house of romance after Mid-May which can help Librans find a new love interest. Rahu can help increase romance and passion in love and marriage life via exotic travels, late night parties and fun date nights. Chances of finding new love interest are high in fun, exotic, fobidden, foreign and taboo places which Rahu loves.

Saturn stopping its negative influence after March is ideal for Librans who wish to marry and settle down. There are no major planetary transit in 2025 which can help Librans in their quest to marry and settle down. But good news is there are no bad influence either which stops them from taking marriage vows. So if vimshottari dasha supports marriage than Librans are advised to marry and settle down after March.

Scorpio Sign

leo2025 can be tough for Scorpio lovers as Saturn enters fifth house of romance and joins Rahu in tormenting them. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is extremely tough for Scorpio lovers. Chances of break-ups are not ruled out for lovers due to misunderstandings. Lovers seeking new love interest have better chance until Mid-March 2025 due to exalted Venus with Rahu in fifth house and later between Mid-October to December when exalted Jupiter influences fifth house of romance.

Saturn's limiting aspect on seventh house of marriage after March may not allow marriage easily for Scorpions. Having said that its a friendly aspect so it may suit Scorpions who are persistent and calm. Saturn rewards those who are patient and hard working. All Scorpions need to do is keep trying to find a suitable life partner or be patient and keep politely asking love interest to marry and settle down with them.

Sagittarius Sign

sagApril 2025 brings major relief for Sagittarians seeking new love interest as Saturn stops its limiting influence on fifth house of romance. Chances of finding new love interest rise drastically after March for Sagittarians. Those already with a lover can also see marked improvement in relationship after March.

Time after Mid-May is God given opportunity for Sagittarians who wish to marry and settle down with both Rahu and Jupiter influencing seventh house of marriage. Sagittarians who haven't found that special someone to spend lifetime with are advised to try harder after Mid-May and ensure that marriage takes place before December 2026 for them.

Capricorn Sign

capCapricorn lovers from April 2025 have Saturn's limiting aspect to deal with. This will make it tougher for them to find new love interest. This will also cause differences in love life for those already involved with someone. On bright side Saturn's aspect is on friendly sign so it will reward lovers who don't give up on their object of affection.

Capricornians who wish to marry and settle down should do so between Mid-October to December when exalted Jupiter is in their seventh house of marriage. Capricornians who haven't found that special someone to spend lifetime with are advised to try harder and aim to marry after June 2026.

Aquarius Sign

aquaTime after Mid-May is ideal for Aquarians love life. Rahu's friendly aspect as well as Jupiter's placement can increase chances of finding new love interest drastically after Mid-May. Those already in love can increase romance and passion in love life via fun date nights and exotic travels.

Aquarians seeking marriage have better prospects after March once Saturn stops its limiting influence. Rahu's influence on seventh house of marriage after Mid-May can help those who seek to marry and settle down. Aquarians who haven't found that special someone should avoid over-stressing. Jupiter in Gemini after Mid-May 2025 and later after November can help them in their quest to find a suitable life partner.

Pisces Sign

piscesPiscean lovers have it tough until June due to debilitated aspect of Mars on fifth house of romance. On bright side exalted Jupiter between Mid-October to December can help them find a wonderful long-term love interest. Some care advised for lovers until June. Later exalted Jupiter will help lovers increase romance and passion in love life.

Pisceans looking to marry and settle down should avoid time between Mid-March to Mid-May 2025 when multiple planets including Saturn, Rahu and Ketu influence marriage house. Saturn's limiting aspect after March may not allow marriage easily. So Pisceans looking to marry and settle down are advised to try harder to find a suitable life partner. Pisceans are also advised to be flexible and accomodating when choosing life partner especially after March 2025.

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