Astro Isha

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General Characteristics

Virgo Sign is a dual-sign, earthy by nature and female by gender. Virgo is a calculative and practical sign. This where the analytical Mercury gets exalted and romantic Venus gets debilitated. Virgo is a good ascendant for the career but less ideal for romance and marriage. Male natives are practical, adaptive to change and quite realistic. They have high levels of intelligence and able to think and act quickly when situation calls for it.

Benefics and Malefics

Venus is the best benefic being lord of second house and ninth house.

Moon, Mars and Jupiter are considered malefics for this ascendant.

Saturn, Sun and Mercury are considered neutrals.

Jupiter and Venus are considered marakas for this ascendant.

Physical Features For Males

Height can be short to medium especially for birth in Uttara Phalguni or Hasta. Eyes are slanty with piercing looks. Hair can curvy or messy most of the times. Eyes can be blue or light-greyish depending on geographical location. They have thick eyebrows and straight nose. They look younger then their actual age. There are chances of skin problems especially if Mercury or ascendant are afflicted.


Virgo being lorded by Mercury gives calculative, analytical, practical and street smart personality. They normally behave in a kind and friendly manner with others. But when instigated they will argue and fight like few others can. Males are realistic, have good organisational skills, are quick thinkers and able to take executive decisions. Their practical approach to life and ability to plan extensively is an asset for career and family planning but deterimental in romance and love matters. Males seek perfection in what they do but are not afraid of changes which is their major asset.


Males are ideal employees for any organisation which values competitive nature, adaptability and fast paced work. Ideally service roles are more suitable due to their practical and pragmatic nature. They can also carve out an excellent career in research especially pharmaceutical research and jobs where analytical skills are required. Males can have better career in software development especially if Mercury is associated with Saturn or Mars. Chances of becoming qualified accountant are also high especially if Mercury is in strength and associated with Saturn. Career related to communication, teaching and marketing can also work in their favor.

Business related to communication, marketing and PR, consultation, counseling, water purification, fisheries, shipping and logistics via water route and port management is suitable. There is also a chance to start education or advisary business if Jupiter/Venus are placed in seventh house of business.

Marriage and Family

Males generally marry for societal acceptance rather than personal compatibility. They often seek perfection is spouse which many times leads to late marriage. If married early the Mercurial qualties of criticizing spouse eventually leads to differences in marriage.

Marriage partner signified by Pisces is normally the better half in marriage. Spouse can be fair but is prone to obesity. Normally spouse is the epitome of kindness, care and empathy. Spouse is often emotional and cares deeply for male natives but the practical and pragmatic male natives fail to acknowledge such caring souls. Chances of romantic affilitation prior to marriage are less due to boring Capricorn in fifth house of romance.

Family life can be good for Virgo males. Family can be rich and influential especially if Venus has strength. Mother can be deeply religious and may even have an accomplished career. Father can be the talkative and fun loving personality. Chances of frictions and differences with siblings especially younger ones not ruled out.


Males can suffer from indigestion, mental diseases, blood impurities. problems related to stomach, pancreas and intestine.


Highly principled, trustworthy, generally well-behaved, good character, humility, love cleanliness and hygeine, clever, street smart


Prone to arguments and fighting, pragmatic, overtly calculative and practical and control freaks who like to plan everything.


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