Astro Isha

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Job Losses Common

     Job losses have become a common phenomenon nowadays. Every few years there are huge layoffs done by companies in name of recession. Companies look to weed out less productive workforce and recruit new employees whom they have to pay less. While this may seem unfair and unethical this is how most companies think and behave.

     There is no point complaning and its far better if the unemployed individual look at alternative job opportunities. Mantra remedies maybe able to help get desired job if prarabdha(fate) supports it.

Mantras For Job Offers

Bajrang Bali popularly known as Hanuman is the ideal God to pray for those seeking service roles. By karma Hanuman is a sevak(subordinate) of Shri Ram. Hanuman performed all his duties with utmost devotion and became one worthy of praise and respect. His name Sankat Mochan means ones who drives the obstacles away.

     Singing Anjani Gayatri is ideal for those who seek new opportunities in service roles. Those who know Hindi can also speak Hanuman Chalisa and Santak Mochak Ashtak.

Mantra To Pass Interview

     Ganesha is God of wisdom and destroyer of obstacles. There are times when minor obstacles and frustrations don't let a native pass interview or exams. In such cases praying to Ganesha can decrease frustration, help gain wisdom and calmness and also remove any obstacles to pass interviews.

     Simple Ganesh Mantra or Ganesh Stotram by Sage Narad are enough for passing the interviews.

Passing Competitive Exams

     Some jobs require to pass a practical exam or competitive exam. In such cases one needs to pray to Gayatri and recite Gayatri Mantra to increase focus, concentration and memory. In order to gain and absorb knowledge from study materials one needs to pray to Goddess Saraswati and recite the Saraswati Beej Mantra or Saraswati Vandana.

Gaining Promotions and Income Raise

      Sometimes natives maybe overlooked for what they feel is a deserved promotion. If they only seek a pay raise than prayers to Goddess Laxmi will suffice. Either Shreem Mantra or Mahalaxmi Ashtakam composed by Indra are enough. But there are advanced options also like Kanakdhara Stotram and Shree Suktam.

      If a native seek promotions and associated prestige than they must pray to Goddess Tara and speak Tara Devi mantra. Goddess Tara is the bestower of fame, fortune and victory. Tara literally means a star who shine and dazzles. One can also speak a complex ganesh mantra if one wishes to get overall success in all spheres of life.

Fate Important Factor

     Astrologers give the most logical remedies and solutions. But they may not always work cause fate has some other plans. If there are long periods of unemployment than native should understand that transits or dasha period do not wish them to remain employed or gain regular income.

     In such cases its better to look at business and other career alternatives. Also one must understand that its not easy to remove strong praradbha(fate) easily. It takes lots of prayers, suffering and correction before previous bad karma is removed which may not be allowing the native to gain employment, remain employed or get pay raise and promotions.

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