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Migrating Abroad

     Majority of youngsters in India prefer a government job or migrating abroad possibly to USA, Canada, Europe, Australia or Middle-East. Its not just limited to India there are lots of people from other less developed countries who dream of migrating to more developed economies.

     There has already been an article about astrological chances of settling abroad. But its way too complicated. So we will try and simplify it even further.

Four Houses

     Chances of going abroad are primarily defined by four houses. They are

  1. Ascendant also known as First House
  2. House of Shelter also known as Fourth House
  3. House of Fortune also known as Ninth House
  4. House of Losses also known as Twelfth House
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    In South Indian chart words "Asc" or two slanted lines at top defines first house.

    A favorable vimshottari dasha is equally important for those planning to migrate and settle abroad.


    Having airy or watery signs in ascendant are better for natives who wish to settle abroad.

Airy Signs


Watery Signs


     Having fiery signs namely Aries, Leo and Sagittarius or earthy signs namely Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn in ascendant are less favorable for settling abroad. In such cases they require other combinations in horoscope which suggests foreign settlement.

Fourth House

     Influence of strong Jupiter, Venus and Rahu in fourth house is far more likely to allow foreign settlement. Strong Venus in tenth house and aspecting fourth house is also ideal for foreign settlement. Jupiter or Rahu in eight house or twelfth house and aspecting fourth house which has a favorable sign could also allow foreign travel and migration.

Favorable Placements or Aspects

Ninth House

     Ninth house deals with long-distance travels as well as higher studies. One of the most preferred option for migration abroad is applying for student visa. Afterwards based on their degree and competancy they can ask for extension of visa and eventual settlement.

     Ninth house doesn't always fructify into permanent residency. But a good ninth house would most definitely ensure frequent travels to foreign lands, overseas business clients, offshore foreign business or regular visit to foreign shores for seminars and conferences.

Twelfth House

      Twelfth house is the house of losses. It also deals with loss of identity via foreign settlement. A very good indicator of foreign settlement are planetary influence on twelfth house.

Favorable Placements or Aspects


    Favorable influence of Jupiter, Venus or Rahu's on twelfth house is far more likely to let person migrate and settle abroad.

    Chances of foreign migration also increase if

  1. Twelfth house lord is strong in tenth house which is known as career house. In such a scenario native has to go abroad to perform his duties signified by tenth house.
  2. Twelfth house lord is strong in ninth house which is known as fortune house. In such a scenario native's fortune would only activate once he goes and settles abroad.
  3. Twelfth house lord does Parivartana Yoga with second house which deals with family and savings. In such a scenario native has to migrate abroad for family to thrive and savings to increase.
Favorable Dasha Period

     Even if horoscope supports going abroad one requires a favorable vimshottari dasha to go abroad. Preferably of twelfth house or ninth house lord. Or it could be of a planet which influences twelfth house or ninth house via placement or aspect.

Migration vs Desperation

     There are several people around the world who are willing to go to any lengths to migrate and settle abroad to the supposed Promised Land. This includes living as an illegal immigrants. They work like slaves and live a life below their dignity all for promise of a better future. Many greedy people take undue advantage of their desparation and exploit them.

     Its important to understand that not all horoscope are suited to migrate and settle abroad. Some horoscope would only show troubles and despair on foreign soil. As such its much better to live in their homeland and aspire for a better future by working hard.

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