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Moving Away From Home

One of the toughest decision is moving away from home for better career prospects. Its fine if there is a good job offer to move to a different location. But there are those who leave out of desperation as there are no good prospects in place where they live. In such cases its important to migrate in direction where fortune would favor them. Blindly migrating cause friends and relatives went there will bring about nothing but troubles.

Which Direction To Go?

Formula is pretty simple. All you need to do is know three houses and planet which rules ascendant.

  1. Ninth House: This is the house of fortune. Ninth house should be used first to calculate direction for migration.
  2. Eleventh House: This is the house of gains and profits. Eleventh house should only be used if ninth house lacks strength.
  3. Ascendant: Ascendant house is also known as first house. Ascendant should only be used to judge direction if ninth house and eleventh house are bereft of strength.
  4. Ascendant Lord: Ascendant lord is the planet which rules the first house sign. Ascendant lord should only be used if there is no strength in ninth house, eleventh house and ascendant respectively.

Below are the possible directions where fortune will favor the twelve ascendants. Those who wish to migrate to foreign countries should also read over our article: Astrology Settling Abroad.

Aries Ascendant

Those with Aries Ascendant having own-sign Jupiter in ninth house should migrate to north-east direction from place of birth. If there is own-sign Saturn in eleventh house than migration to western direction from their birthplace is suited. If ascendant has own-sign Mars than migration to sourthern direction is suited and if ascendant has exalted Sun than migration to eastern direction is suited. If ascendant lord Mars is exalted than migration to southern direction is more suited.

Taurus Ascendant

If Taurus Ascendants have own-sign Saturn in ninth house than migration to western countires is suited and if there is exalted Mars in ninth house than southern direction is more suited for migration. If they have own-sign Jupiter in eleventh house than they should migrate in north-east direction. If they have exalted Venus in eleventh house than migration to south-east direction is more suited. If ascendant has exalted Moon than migration to north-west direction and in case of Venus in own-sign in ascendant than migration to south-east direction is favorable.

Gemini Ascendant

If Gemini Ascendants have own-sign Saturn in ninth house of fortune than migration in western direction is suited. If there is own-sign Mars in eleventh house than they should migrate to southern direction. If they have exalted Sun in eleventh house than migration to east direction is more suited. If there is own-sign or exalted Mercury than migration to north direction is suited.

Cancer Ascendant

If Cancer Ascendants have own-sign Jupiter in ninth house than north-east direction is suited. If exalted Venus occupies ninth house or own-sign Venus is in eleventh house than migration to south-east direction is suitable. If Moon is exalted in eleventh house than they can migrate to north-west direction. If ascendant has own-sign Moon than north-west direction will be suited. If Mars occupies own-signs or exaltion sign than migration to south is suited.

Leo Ascendant

If Leo Ascendants have exalted Sun in ninth house than east direction is suited. If Mars is placed in own-sign in ninth house than migration to south direction is suited. If own-sign Mercury is placed in eleventh house than migration to north direction is more suited. If there is own-sign Sun in ascendant than east direction is suited.

Virgo Ascendant

If Virgo Ascendants have exalted Moon in ninth house of fortune than migration to north-west in suited. If they have own-sign Venus in ninth house than migration to south-east is suited. If there is exalted Jupiter in eleventh house than north-east direction is suited and if there is own-sign Moon in eleventh house than north-west direction is suited. If ascendant has exalted Mercury or if Mercury occupies own-sign in tenth house than north direction is suitable for migration.

Libra Ascendant

If own-sign Mercury is located in ninth house than migration to north direction is more suited. If there is own-sign Sun in eleventh house than migration to east is suited. Moving to western direction is suited especially if exalted Saturn occupies ascendant while migration to south-east is beneficial if own-sign Venus occupies ascendant. If Venus is exalted in Pisces or in own-sign in Taurus than also going to south-east direction is somewhat beneficial.

Scorpio Ascendant

Scorpio Ascendants should migrate to north-east direction if exalted Jupiter occupies ninth house and north-west direction if own-sign Moon occupies ninth house. If there is exalted Mercury in eleventh house than migration to north direction is more suited. Rest of Scorpio Ascendants can migrate to north or south direction depending on strength of ascendant or its lord Mars.

Sagittarius Ascendant

Sagittarius Ascendants should migrate to eastern direction if there is own-sign Sun in ninth house of fortune. If there is own-sign Venus in eleventh house than migration to south-east is suited. In case of exalted Saturn in eleventh house migration to western direction is suited. Rest of Sagittarious Ascendants can migrate to eastern direction if ascendant is strong and north-east direction if ascendant lord Jupiter is strong.

Capricorn Ascendant

Capricorn Ascendants should migrate to north direction if there is exalted Mercury in ninth house of fortune. If there is own-sign Mars in eleventh house than migration to southern direction is more suited. Rest of Capricorn Ascendants should migrate to southern direction if ascendant is strong and western direction if ascendant lord Saturn is exalted or in own-sign Aquarius.

Aquarius Ascendant

Aquarius Ascendants should migrate to south-east direction if there is own-sign Venus in ninth house and western direction if there is exalted Saturn in ninth house of fortune. If there is own-sign Jupiter in eleventh house than migration to north-east is more suited. Rest of Aquarius Ascendants should migrate to western direction as both Aquarius and its lord Saturn are strong in west direction.

Pisces Ascendant

Pisces Ascendant should migrate to southern direction if there is own-sign Mars in ninth house of fortune or exalted Mars in eleventh house. If there is own-sign Saturn in eleventh house than migration to western direction is recommended. Rest of Pisces Ascendants should migrate to either northern direction if ascendant is strong or to north-east direction if ascendant lord Jupiter is strong.

Research Not Ours

Article is based on research done by astrologer Dr. Pruthul Mehta who writes in popular daily newspaper: Divya Bhaskar. Research for this article was published on March 7th 2024 in their purti: Dharma Darshan. We do not claim credit over this research. We have modified certain information in their article and added our own assessment.

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