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Unnecessary Fear Of Saturn

     Saturn is unnecessarily feared and usually his effects are blown out of proportions. There are a couple of odd superstitions related with Saturn. It is a human tendency to feel anger, anguish and fear of things which we do not comprehend. But it is necessary to understand the cause of fear and worries to get a solution in life. Here are a couple of superstitions commonly associated with Saturn which are dispelled through adequate reasoning. Furthermore the activities done or suggested to pacify Saturn are also properly analyzed.

Sade-Sati is always bad

     This is the most unwarranted fear one could come across. As soon as a Sade-Sati starts people start to think that the next seven and half years of life would be hell. Some smart ones refer to an astrologer and decipher the effects of all three phases of two and half period to know which is bad and which is favorable for them. The astrologer is equally to blame as he instills unnecessary fear in the native regarding Saturn.

     Reality: Sade-Sati of Saturn is an excellent time to burn past life karma be it good or bad. It only gives back what you've given in the past life and this life before the Sade-Sati began. Depending on your karma all three sub-periods could be good like heaven or bad like hell. So just think of doing good karma and eventually nothing bad would happen. Progress is stalled but that doesn't mean one doesn't get the fruits of hard work ever.

Offering oil and sesame seeds calms Saturn

     This is another crazy theory propagated by astrologers and priest alike. Many poor souls offer oil and sesame seeds on Saturn and Lord Hanuman idols.

     Reality: Saturn causes stomach problems especially flatulence and constipation. Saturn is also responsible for pain in knees and joints. All of them can be calmed by oil. Castor oil calms stomach problems like flatulence and relieves constipation. Pain and knees and joints can be eradicated by use of sesame seed oil. Finally Saturn also causes problems in bones and teeth. Sesame seeds are rich in calcuim and consuming them reduces problem in bones and teeth due to calcium deficiency.

Saturn's aspect is always bad

     This concept might not be totally false cause even the literature's on Saturn propagate this concept. But what they also describe is Saturn is the judge of one's karma. 

     Reality: Saturn gives results of past lives karma and that maybe an accumulation of many lives. Unless a native has done horrendous acts in his/her past lives it is not possible that horoscope houses which are aspected by Saturn at birth-time keep on giving continuous bad results. What is necessary to know is Saturn gives good or bad results to each house its transits or aspects when it moves in a transit.

Understand him, Fear Him Later

     Saturn is by far the most misunderstood planet along with Mars. Saturn only gives good or bad fruits of karma. As long as you keep doing good karma Saturn would never, ever get in your way.

     Feel free to drop in a comment if you have any questions on the concerned article.

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