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     Check if you have Mangal Dosha using our new software: Mangal Dosha Calculator

     Mangal Dosha arises when Mars occupies twelfth house, first house, second house, fourth house, seventh house or eight house in an ascendant chart. Some astrologers even consider moon ascendant, navamsha ascendant and venus ascendant also. Chances are there ought to be one place that Mangal Dosha is present. 

     Mangal Dosha is nothing to worry about. It is likely to be present in 50% of the population. As long as one understands Mars, Mangal Dosha can be controlled. Mars is angry and strong, harsh in speech but honest, fast in thoughts and actions but  stays strong in calamities. On the downside Mars is physical and loves to fight. Mars tends to get angry at the drop of the hat. Mars is prone to flirting and extra-marital affair if there is some connection with Venus or Rahu.

     Most of the marriages end up in divorce due to anger, harsh speech and constant criticism. Marriages also end up in divorce due to physical abuse or extra-marital affairs. All of them happen to involve Mars in one form or another. So the fear of Mars.

     While these things may increase chances of divorce all one needs to do is keep anger in check, avoid criticism and harsh speech as well as remain faithful to the marriage partner.

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