Astro Isha

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     Numerology today has started to gain a lot of popularity in astrology. People change their names from "Sunil" to "Suniel" or from "Punit" to "Puneet" hoping that adding that extra i or e would really change their luck.

     But facts speak otherwise. Just like a naming someone Alexander doesn't make a person Alexander The Great. A number cannot make or break a person. Say most numerologist believe number 8 as an unlucky number both in vedic and western astrology. Any date of birth or residential house number with number which adds upto 8 is considered unlucky. But the fun part is chinese hosted the olympics on 8/8/2008 at exactly 8:08 AM. And they got the highest gold medal tally in that olympics. Japanese consider the number 8((八 hachi) to be very lucky cause they believe that symbol broadens gradually and so would the luck. M. K. Gandhi's date of birth adds upto 8. So does Nelson Mandela's birth date add upto 8. You could argue they struggled a lot but the famous stars and musicians like Penelope Cruz, Jason Statham and Enrique Iglesias also have the total of their birth date as 8.

     Similarly number 6 is considered a bit problematic but most people would love to swap places with Hugh Hefner wouldn't they? His birth total comes to number 6. Similary number 9 is considered very lucky yet there are countless people with a miserable life inspite of having that lucky number.

     Those who believe in numerology have every right to change the name of their spelling or start a task on a desired date. Its a matter of belief and if belief are strong than there would be success afterwards. But don't relax afterwards. Keep doing the necessary hard work as well in order for luck to change in your favor.

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