Many people bring items like Laughing Buddha, Shree Yantra and Chinese Bamboo without knowing what they are and what is their purpose. Someone advised them it would bring good luck and that is enough for them to spend a fortune on it. Let me start by saying these remedies for good luck actually work but only when you know what they mean and what is their importance. If you just buy them and put it in your house there is absolutely no effect. So start by knowing what they are and you would actually start getting the luck you always wanted on your side.
His real name is Budai in chinese and Japanese refer to him as hotei. His name implies cloth sack because of the sack he always carried on his back which was made of old clothes. He was a poor man who carried a cloth sack, prayer beads (Mala) and a bowl for seeking alms or begging. So the question now on everyone's mind would be how can a poor man who used to beg and worn torn clothes actually make you happy.
Moral of Laughing Buddha
It is not the Laughing Buddha which makes you happy but the message he carries which would make you happy. Even though Budai (Laughing Buddha) was poor, wore old and torn clothes and used to beg he was always happy. He was content and peaceful with whatever life had to offer him. He used to bring happiness to those around him and loved to entertain children. The message he puts across is very important and would bring you all the happiness you ever need. His message is simple and sweet: "Be content and satisfied in life no matter what it has to offer you. Always keep a happy and positive outlook in life no matter how difficult the circumstances. Give happiness to all those around you especially children and you would never be unhappy in life". The Laughing Buddha Idol is to remind the buyers of that precious message. Otherwise you could bring hundreds of his idol and you would still be unhappy in life. Make sure to understand his message and you wouldn't ever be sad again in your life.
Most people are aware of Shree Yantra and know that it brings wealth and prosperity in the house. But it is not the Shree Yantra but associated effect it has on the mind which does the magic. It is the geometry associated with the design and the effect it has on the subconscious which does the magic. Shree Yantra is a complex diagram based on geometry. It contains five triangles in downward position while four triangles are placed in upward position. The point in middle is called bindu. The center point called bindu when stared at for 5 minutes would balance the right and left brain lobes. All the triangles are isoscles. The four triangles facing upwards represent Shiva the male energy while the five triangles facing downwards represent Shakti the female energy. These nine triangles are surrounded by two circles made of petals with the inner which has eight petals while the outer which has sixteen petals. These two circle petals signify creation and reproductive vital force. The four corners represent the supposed four openings of the universe. The Shree Yantra diagram on the right side is the more accurate of the two while the left diagram of the Shree Yantra is more to show focus of middle point (bindu) which increases concentration.
Lets get back to astrological importance of Shree Yantra. Shree Yantra is a complex diagram which stimulates the brain. When certain mantras are spoken while looking at the Shree Yantra the effect on body and mind amplifies. Average human being only uses 1 or 2% of his total brain capacity. The more smarter ones at most use 10% of their brains capacity. The Shree Yantra when stared at has the power to awaken the dormant parts of the brain and awaken hidden thinking and analytical skills in a human. If spoken with sacred mantras like Gayatri Mantra or Maha Laxmi mantra it would open up host of creative ideas in your brains and awaken the latent abilities of the body which would enable you to earn the desired income.

When you buy this beautiful plant the feng shui expert is sure to tell you that if and when the bamboo grows your luck also grows. Oh Well... Most of you would have noticed your luck doesn't grow. Another crazy theory associated with feng shui is if someone gifts you then only your luck grows. The actual story of chinese bamboo is better explained in the video below.
Moral of the Story: Whenever you invest in a future understand that it takes time and perseverence before the desired outcome is reached. But first you must plan to invest in the dream. Do not entirely rely on your dream to make your life good and always put in little of your time and finances into ensuring your day-to-day survival. There are always those who scrutinize failures but be sure to be firm in your faith and beliefs. There are always times when you feel down and dejected by not getting the desired outcome but even during those tough times continue with the belief that they would reap awards someday. Never give up on your dreams after a few failures. Beautiful message. Isn't it?
Oh!! But most of you already know this. Only thing that remains is the conviction and efforts to pursue those dreams. Astrology, feng shui and sacred yantras aren't just some hocus pocus magic which make your life beautiful, lucky and easy. The beauty in your life comes through your own efforts. The only difference such lucky charms make is to inspire you and also to awaken your hidden talents. Astrology, feng shui and other lucky charms are not as bad as made out to be. Only problem is the astrologers, feng shui experts and others who are hell bent on earning a fortune out of fooling people and not spreading the message across. Do like and comment if you like this article.
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