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     Everyone wants to become rich and most people want to become rich without the necessary efforts. Most people lose millions via desire to become instant billionaires whether it is via lotteries, via poker, via roll of dice or whether it is via betting markets. People also try betting in sports and stock markets. Sometimes though the risk does pay off. A selected few can earn a good income via gambling and betting. Below are the planets and astrological signs which support gambling and betting. 

Planets which support gambling and easy money

planets gamble

Signs which support gambling and easy money

signs gamble

     Fifth House rules over gambling and betting. Planets like Moon, Mercury, Venus and Rahu love the scent of easy money. Placement of such planets in Fifth House increases the chances of earning easy money. Signs like Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra and Pisces are favorable placements for such planets. People who regularly win in betting sector should have a strong Moon in Fifth house and no bad influence on Twelfth House. Other planets like Venus and Mercury favor getting lucky once in a while in the gambling and betting sector. Rahu may even lose millions in a bad condition but a strong Rahu in Fifth House can help a person earn a fortune via calculated risk.

Planets which hate gambling and easy money

planets hate gamble

Signs which hate gambling and easy money

signs hate gamble

     Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter don't like gambling. Saturn loves hard work and patience. It just doesn't support any type of shortcuts to money or to fame. Jupiter also loves patience and is quite religious. Jupiter's sense of wrong and right prevents it from trying to dupe others and taking shortcuts in life. Jupiter along with Venus, Mercury or Rahu may opt for shortcuts but Jupiter alone would never, ever try shortcuts to life. Ketu is into spirituality and doesn't like money talk. Signs ruled by Saturn like Capricorn and Aquarius in Fifth House won't let native take shortcuts in life and if the native decides to try shortcut than he stands to lose a fortune. Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter also hates gambling.

     Normally its ill-advised to try shortcuts to money making. Gambling and betting should be avoided at all cost. But there are always people who would want to earn easy money. Its necessary for them to assess the strength of their Fifth House which deals with gambling and check if there are no evils which influence the Twelfth House to avoid losses via gambling.

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