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     Check out our new software which analyses your horoscope and shows places where investment is favorable: Where To Invest

Why invest in gold?

     Gold is one of the best bets for long term investment. Its simple and easy to keep. Not everyone can afford to invest in land and real estate with inflated prices. Savings in stock markets can see ups and downs. Savings in currency can also be impacted by economic ups and downs. So gold remains one of the best bets for investment. Gold unlike currency does not see its value degrade over time. Generally gold prices have stayed steady and increased at a considerable rate. Also gold can be bought in small as well as large quantities. 

Who should buy gold?

     Astrology can be used to know if one should invest in gold or not. All it requires is to check the strength of Sun, Jupiter and second house. Second house rules over savings and gold. If there is strength in second house than native can gather a lot of savings. But if there are aspects of Mars and Sun than native won't be able to save any money. In these cases it becomes very important that he/she invest in gold. Gold unlike cash isn't affected by bad infleunce of Sun and Mars. Sun actually represents gold in astrology so savings in gold is definitely welcomed by Sun's influence on second house. 

Placement of Sun

     Sun if exalted, in own sign or in a friendly sign also allows buying gold. Sun in horoscope represents items like jaggery, gold, turmeric, certain vegetables, grains and straws. Basically all things which are yellow or golden in color. Gold is yellow in color and shiny which is trademark of our Sun. Those with strong, exalted or own sign Sun should make it a case to invest in gold regularly. Sun in their chart would ensure they never see poverty and remain royalty if they keep investing in gold and buy gold jewelry.

Placement of Jupiter

     A strong Jupiter allows investment in both gold and silver. Those who have Jupiter in exaltion, own sign or in a favorable placement should make it a case to invest in gold. Jupiter being the planet of abundance would ensure investment in gold sees great returns in the long run. Jupiter takes time but allows profits to grow multi-fold. So those with strong Jupiter should invest for a minimum of 10-20 years and resist all short-term trading whether its for gold or any other products.

Benefits of long-term investments

     As mentioned above gold prices have remained steady and seen a good increase over the years. 5850 ₹ invested in 2004 would fetch around 39000 ₹ in 2019. That is around 666% of the original value in just 15 years. So every 1 ₹ invested in gold in 2004 would fetch you 666 ₹ in 2019. Its far better to invest for a long period like 20-30 years. Long term investment maybe slow but over time ensures the well-being of yourself and your future generations. So those with strong Sun, Jupiter or bad second house should try to invest in gold and see their profits increase over time.

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