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Benefits Of Buying Land

     Investment in land property provides great returns in the long run. Moreover its impossible to steal a piece of land unless someone uses force or illegal means. Buying the land means all the resources available inside the land belongs to that person. That maybe gold, diamonds, oil or natural resources. Population of humans keeps increasing while the land resources available keep decreasing. So chances of property prices coming down are not likely anytime soon. Buying property for agriculture and irrigation also provides great returns. Possibilities remain endless for people who have a large piece of land.

Consult Astrology Before Buying Property

     Most people consult a real estate agent when buying a land property but its equally important to consult an astrologer before buying property. First thing you need to check is the condition of your fourth house and planets in it or planets aspecting it. If there is strength in fourth house than your property would be a safe and sensible invesment. If there are malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Pluto influencing your fourth house via placement or aspect than chances are you would have troubles via investment in property matters. Below are two case studies of good and bad fourth house to use as reference point.

Good Fourth House

     Concerned chart is of a person who used to reside in India but has now settled abroad in New Jersey, USA. Native has a beautiful house in New Jersey with a pool and garden. If you check the fourth house of the native it has powerful aspects of Venus and Mercury. There is placement of Rahu which made the native migrate to foreign land. Rahu represents everything foreign but Rahu is in the friendly Virgo Sign and aspected by Venus and fourth house lord Mercury so native suffers little or no trouble via property in the foreign land.

     Aspect of Mars maybe a little bothersome but its co-tenant Jupiter is strong and doing Parivartana Yoga along with fourth house lord Mercury. So any chances of major troubles via land ownerships in foreign land are less likely. Still Rahu and Mars aspect on eight house means native should not buy any property back in India or else there could be legal troubles via them as both Rahu and Mars are malefics and both influence the fourth house of the concerned native.

Bad Fourth House

     Concerned native has been fighting a legal battle with neighbors for around 20 years. Neighbors have changed but fights with them seem to have no end. Both the concerned native and the marriage partner have a bad fourth house. One has aspect of Rahu while other partner has aspect of Saturn. Exalted Mars in fourth house and aspect of Venus ensured that native can buy a wonderful house. But negative aspects ensured they suffer via land property. Mars in Scorpio increases fights, hatred and negativity in the individual. Venus aspect helps a little but since both native and marriage partner have a bad fourth house with bad aspects and bad signs its unlikely they would get peace of mind at home atleast.

Before Buying A Property

     Before buying a property a native must ensure that his/her fourth house is in good condition. If its in a bad condition they should avoid buying property in their name and buy in in name of the family member who has a good fourth house. Any association of fourth house with eight house suggests legal troubles somewhere down the road. If there is Saturn in second house and Rahu in fourth house than it becomes absolutely necessary not to buy a property in ones name cause court cases related to property are almost guaranteed in this scenario.

     If there are planets like Moon, Venus and Mercury influencing or having strength in the fourth house than native can buy a large piece of land or a huge mansion. There would be excellent returns from land property owned. And above all there is happiness and satisfaction at home as fourth house besides property also rules over happiness and heart.

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