Astro Isha

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Craze of Cryptos

     Ever since the first white paper released in 2008 cryptocurrencies have been nothing short of a rage. Bitcoin's price was around 0.05 $ or around 10 ₹ in 2010. And in 2021 you could buy a Tesla or BMW with that same bitcoin. Bitcoin has been written off time and again only to rise from ashes. Not just bitcoin other altcoins like Ethereum, Binance, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Ripple, Cardano and many others have grown leaps and bounds over the years.

     Naysayers criticize and hate the idea that an internet token actually carries any intrinsic value. While crypto fanboys think block chain and crypto currency are the future of transactions. Astrology isn't interested in benefits or drawbacks of crypto currency. That's for experts to dicuss and history to ascertain. But astrology can be used to decipher whether one can earn from crypto currency or not.

Who Should Buy Crypto Currency

     Crypto currencies are nothing but speculation. One person buys them in a hope he/she would find someone who will bid higher. If there are no takers in real world than its value becomes zero. And speculation is managed by fifth house in horoscope. It also deals with gambling and stock markets. By all means a good fifth house is quintessential if you wish to succeed in crypto investments.

     Other house which can help get rich via crypto currencies is the ninth house of fortune. If someone bought 1000 ethereum coins out of sheer curiosity in January 2016 at a price of less than a dollar than he would have around 3 million $ which is 30 lakh $ in 2021. There are 1000's of crypto coins today most of them useless. If your fortune house is favorable chances are you might pick up the winning coin whose price will sky rocket in next few years.

     Eleventh house which is house of earnings can lead to earnings via crypto assets, crypto exchanges, mining cryptos, forking crypto and many other jobs related to crypto currency which give a very good income. Many of these jobs carry excellent rewards.

     And finally the least expected but quite important is the eight house of hidden wealth. Crypto currencies are a form of hidden assets which are not moderated by governments or banks. And owner remains largely anonymous on internet. Governments around the world are thinking of regulating crypto currency but its still unlikely they will release information to the general public about crypto assets and their owners.

Who Should Avoid Crypto Currency

     Sixth house deals with debts. Twelfth house deals with losses. And eight house deals with despair. They are also known as dushamsthanas. And anyone who has bad influences on dushamsthana should absolutely avoid trading in crypto currencies. Ofcourse small investments for long term when prices are low is a good idea. But putting entire life savings or a considerable amout of your earnings into crypto markets is a disaster waiting to happen especially if one of your dushamsthanas is in bad condition.

     Blind investments in crypto currency should be avoided when Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu influence the dushamsthanas during transits. Not to mention during a bad vimshottari dasha period of dushamsthana lords.

Rules For Crypto Investors

     No amount of astrology can help you if you don't practise common sense when buying crypto currency. There are a few rules which every crypto investor must know before investing their hard earned money into them.

  1. Never spend more buying cryptos than you can afford to lose.
  2. Do not invest more than 5-10% of your income in crypto currencies.
  3. Invest via trusted platforms only. There are several known cases of entire exchanges closing down. If possible buy a hardware wallet and store your cryptos in it.
  4. Choose the right coins. Do your research just like you would do before investing in stocks.
  5. Worst Case Scenario: Be prepared to lose all your money.

Bitcoin White Paper

Bitcoin More Information

Rules For Crypto Investors

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