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     Its better to say upfront that astrology can go wrong when it comes to debts. Astrology by all means is a predictive subject which relies on probability and statistics. Its not perfect and never will be. But after careful observation of several horoscopes there is a possibility to predict which horoscopes are more likely to get into debts. Below are the configurations in horoscope which are most likely to result in debts.

Saturn in Twelfth House

     Saturn in twelfth house is known to cause acute financial crisis atleast once in lifetime. Even a multi-billionaire like Anil Ambani had to file for bankruptcy and sell his assets as part of loan recovery. Many natives with Saturn in twelfth house have been known to see huge financial losses atleast once in lifetime. Not just financial losses but personal losses as well as confinement/prison sentence are also possible with Saturn in twelfth house.

Rahu in Second House

     Rahu in second house is known to create debts and bad loans. Second house rules over savings and family. Rahu from its placement in second house aspects sixth house of debts and disease, eight house of death and despair as well as tenth house of career and reputation. When Rahu is in second house its likely to make native take huge loans which they are unable to pay off. The cause for loans can be financial, health problems or even personal issues. The troublesome part will be most natives would take the loan thinking their job/business income would be enough to pay off those loans. But Rahu's aspect on tenth house of career would ensure they cannot rely on their stable career to pay off loans.

Saturn in Tenth House

     Saturn in tenth house will aspect twelfth house of losses. If Saturn in tenth house has strength than native can have a good career. But when its devoid of strength or when it is influenced by malefics then career stability will be none. Native is forced to live below means and take small loans to make ends meet. As expected due to unstable career he/she maybe unable to clear the loans which in turn creates debts. Sometimes a bad transit or dasha period could make native lose his/her stable job which in turn could lead to eventual debts.

Rahu in Sixth House/Tenth House

     Sixth house is the service house while tenth house is the career house. When Rahu is placed in one of these houses there is less career stability and native does odd jobs to make ends meet. Ofcourse sometimes paycheck is unbelievable but regular income is less likely. This in turn means native is likely to take a loan or financial favor from someone. And there will be times when he/she is unable to pay back the loan on time thus collecting debts.

Small Changes Matter

     When there are debts its very difficult to remain calm. But worrying oneself to death won't get you out of debts either. There are few things which can be done which can help in clearning debts.

  1. Not to try suicide or other risky ideas: Nothing is permanent in life and bad times will also pass. Remember lost money can be earned back but life can never come back.
  2. Living below means and saving as much as possible: Most people show off just to fit in with society but do remember society won't pay off your debts.
  3. Keeping a balance sheet(hisab) of income and expenses: That way you know where your money goes and can take measures to stop bad expenses.
  4. Buying Assets and Avoiding Liabilities: Any extra-income should be invested into buying assets like mutual funds, index funds, quality stocks, good financial schemes and gold which increase in value. As much as possible avoid buying cars, designer clothes and shoes as well as branded mobile phones. They are liabilities and depreciating assets.
  5. Avoiding superstitious fixes: Your debts won't go away by trying shortcuts and superstitious astrological remedies.

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