Astro Isha

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Loans Risky Yet Essential

     Many people need to take loans at certain period of time during their lifetime. Whether its for starting a business, owning a house, buying a car, studying abroad or even for paying hospital fees. No matter what the wise says about avoiding loans the truth of life is loans are unavoidable for most people on earth.

     If birth-time chart is bad than debts are all but guaranteed in life. But one can try and lessen bad effects if loan is taken on particular days, pariticular dashas and particular nakshatras. Unless there is medical emergency one can always resist taking loans on problematic days or dasha periods.

Days For Taking/Avoiding Loans

     Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are ideal for taking loans. Those who take loans after putting their gold or property as mortgage should choose Mondays.

     Tuesday and Saturday are days when one should avoid taking loans unless absolutely necessary. One should also avoid taking loans on Amavasya(No Moon), Purnima(Full Moon), Prathama(New Moon) or Sakranti(day when Sun changes signs).

Nakshatra For Taking/Avoiding Loans

     Even nakshatras are important when taking loans. One must try and take loans when Moon is in Ashvini, Swati, Pushya, Shatbhisha or Abhijit.

     One must avoid taking loans when Moon is in Moola nakshatra and when Moon travels via birth-time nakshatra. Ofcourse if the need arises one can take loan in any other nakshatra.

Dashas/Antardashas For Taking/Avoiding Loans

     Certain vimshottari periods are ideal or problematic for taking loans. Normally its ideal to take loans in dasha(period) or antardasha(period) of fourth, fifth, ninth or eleventh lords whichever is in good condition. For example Leo Ascendants can take loan in any period-subperiod of Mercury or Jupiter.

     One must avoid taking loans when dasha and antardasha of sixth, twelfth or eight lord is running. For example Libra Ascendants should avoid taking loans in period-subperiod of Mercury, Jupiter or Venus. Even though all three are benefic planets they rule twelfth, sixth and eight house for Libra Ascendants which can cause problems later.

Transits For Taking/Avoiding Loans

     Its ideal to take a home loan when Jupiter is transiting or aspecting fourth house even if it means creating a debt. Loans can also be taken when a strong planet starts influencing eleventh, ninth or fifth house.

     Loans must be avoided when Jupiter, Saturn or Rahu are transiting or aspecting sixth house or twelfth house. If there is enemy sign than debts are all but certain. For example Saturn travelling via Aries for Taurus Ascendants would most likely create debts if loans are taken in that period.

Remedies For Bad Loans
  1. Kanakdhara Stotram is the most powerful remedy for those with huge debts. Adi Shankaracharya composed this stotram to please Goddess Laxmi. Goddess Laxmi was so pleased with this mantra that she granted wealth to a person who had lifetime of poverty written in their fate. If spoken with devotion over a period of time than it can help greatly with reducing debt and increase overall financial condition.
  2. Shri Suktam is a hymn in earliest text Rigveda and is dedicated to Goddess Laxmi. Continuous chanting over a period of time will increase wealth and remove debts and financial problems from a person's life.
  3. Mahalaxmi Ashtakam Storam was composed by Indra Dev after curse by Sage Durvasa wiped out all his fortune. According to Indra recital of this mantra daily thrice would please Laxmi and she will shower her blessings on you.
  4. Shreem Mantra is the beej(seed sound) mantra of Goddess Laxmi. In simple words it is Goddess Laxmi in mantra form. Any mantra with Shreem in it greatly helps in removing debts and increasing overall wealth. Also its easy to learn and chant.
  5. Goddess Laxmi is the creator or wealth while Kuber is given the responsibility of distributing wealth. North direction is ruled over by Kubera. So keeping Shree Yantra in north direction and chanting the Kuber Ashtlaxmi Mantra can help in gaining wealth gradually.
Donations Help Greatly

     Feeding the poor as well as animals can help gain good karma. A hungry soul gives blessings from bottom of their heart once they eat to their heart's content. Vedic thought is very clear that your good karma never goes to waste. It has to return back in one form or another. Those who think about well-being of others when they are struggling with their own problems would always find some or other help.

     Both Raja Harischandra and Rakshshas Raj Bali lost everything due to their charitable nature but gained everything back once Gods were done testing them. The harshest test by Gods couldn't harm them cause they were devoted to others well-being.

     Poor Sudama was hesitant to give his poha to Shri Krishna. But Shri Krishna forcefully took that poha and ate it cause that was the only way to remove Daridra Yoga from Sudama's forehead. For Sudama the poha were everything he had and by giving it away he made sure he got back abundant riches.

Don't Lose Faith

     These remedies and donations won't give results straight away. Its necessary to understand that all great things take time to show results. And many times we are tested before we see fruits of our karma. One must never lose faith and try shortcuts especially those which can cause harm to others.

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