Most astrologers and natives are looking for some Raj Yoga to measure success and riches. They get on cloud nine when they hear a Raj Yoga happening in horoscope. Astrology is a classic paradox. When you see natives with horrible yogas like Vish Yoga, Kemdrum Yoga or Angarak Yoga become enterpreneurs you get baffled. How's it possible that a Raj Yoga cannot give you the success and happiness but a bad yoga gives unbelievable success?
The answer to that lies in eleventh house. Many enterpreneurs have a good eleventh house. Eleventh house is house of gains and regular income. Its the house which defines whether you get success in anything whether its marriage, career or business. Below are example horoscopes of few enterpreneurs who acheived unbelievable success and riches due to a good eleventh house.

Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of facebook and owner of Whatsapp and Instagram. He literally controls the way we interact on social media. He is born with Vish Yoga. Not only that there is Rahu's influence on service house and career house which gives an unstable career. There is also Mars+Saturn which means lots of struggles
But if you check out his eleventh house there is exalted Saturn+friendly Moon+Mars. There is also aspect of Mercury on friendly sign, Venus on own-sign and of Sun.

Mukesh Ambani is born with Grahan Yoga due to Sun+Ketu in seventh house. And there is Mars in eight house which made for a court case with his brother and wealth to be distributed equally. And yet with half of Reliance's resources he was able to surpass his father and become one of the richest man in the world.
To be fair Mr. Mukesh Ambani has a very strong seventh house which deals with business. But if you look at his eleventh house there is Jupiter in friendly sign. There are aspects of malefics Saturn and Mars still having strong Jupiter is enough to make him one of the richest man in the world with a healthy monthly salary.

Bill Gates is born with Kemdrum Yoga which is supposed to make a person poor. And yet he is consistently ranked among the top three richest people in the world. Agreed he has strong fifth house and good fourth house which gives him a good returns from stock markets and land assets.
There are no planets in his eleventh house. But there is aspect of Mars on own-sign, Sun on exaltion sign, Jupiter on friendly sign and Saturn and Venus on enemy sign. So many unique aspects means his earnings are from multiple sources.

Elon Musk is born in Pretoria and doesn't have a strong horoscope apart form Budh-Aditya Yoga. There is Angarak Yoga in eight house. There is also Saturn in twelfth house along with Venus which means he may lose his fortune once. His eleventh house didn't hold much promise in his birthplace.
But once he moved to Los Angeles his horoscope also changed. And in his new horoscope there is strong eleventh house with Jupiter in friendly sign as well as aspect of Saturn+Venus on it. And eleventh house lord is exalted in ascendant and doing Ruchak Yoga.
If having one of the Raj Yoga gives you King's Status than having strong eleventh house is the gateway to enterpreneurship. Its the house of gains and regular income. It defines everything you would achieve in life. A good eleventh house can be a cornerstone on which people can build their riches. Many natives who get a very good income may have connection of eleventh house along with career house(tenth house) or fortune house(ninth house).
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