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Astrology Help: Starting A Business Venture

     There are many individuals who wish to start their own business venture. But they are too afraid of whether it would work out or not. Vedic astrology can help decipher whether there are chances of success in the business sphere. Few horoscope houses, association, aspect and placement in those houses which would decide the kind of business one would get profit from.

Astrological factors deciding Business Success

     Success in business is indicated via strength in tenth house which is career house and seventh house which is house of business and partnership. But from a modern day perspective the third house which rules over marketing, social media and advertisement, eleventh house which rules over networking skills and social circles and ninth house which rules over offshore business and international clients also play a very important role.

  1. As long as tenth house is strong there should be success in business sphere. That includes placement of bad planets like Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. Although in such cases success may come late or there are a lot of problems to deal with in business.
  2. If there is strength in seventh house than one can venture into partnership business.
  3. If the third house or ninth house are strong along with a good tenth house or seventh house than native can get great success in business via short or long distance trips.
  4. If there is an exchange of house(Parivartana Yoga) or some other association via placement or aspect between tenth house and seventh house than also business is favorable.
  5. Finally business also favors those whose horoscope has association between eleventh house and ninth house via aspect, placement or exchange of houses. There should be a good tenth house or seventh house also for success in business.
Saying No To Business

     There maybe times when one must decide to wait or drop the idea of doing business. If there are heavy placements in the sixth house than native is better off doing service roles. If there is a Sade-Sati and native decides to start a business than success may come late or not come at all. Sade-Sati gives nothing easy and a lot of efforts are required to make business a success during Sade-Sati period.

     If lord of tenth house is weak than also native is advised against undertaking a business venture. Eleventh house rules over income while second house rules over savings. If both the houses and its lords are in weak condition than chances of profits from business are less. In these cases its not wise to invest a lot of money into the business sector.


business woman    Career in business pays rich dividends for few. But there is instability and uncertainty to deal with. One the bright side one gets to be his or her own boss. On the downside there is no fixed income. But there are chances of heavy profits during certain periods like festive seasons. If native is comfortable with it than he or she should definitely try starting a business venture.

     Even those that pursue service roles can venture into business on part-time basis. All that a native requires is some sort of association with tenth house or seventh house.

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