Astro Isha

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     Moon in third house is great for relationship with siblings but not so good for communication and team projects. Moon in third house provides good relationship with brothers and sisters. In particular the sister of the native would be caring and affectionate and shower abundant love and care on the native.

     Third house also looks after travels and creative writing. Moon in third house provides opportunities for travels especially if there is movable sign(Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn). The native often has to change his line of work and travels are frequent. Native could be a good dramatist if Moon is in good condition. Moon is emotional and speaks his mind which is why its ill-suited in a team project or communication department.

     Generally Moon in third house is ideal. But if Moon is being influenced by malefics in third house then there could be problems related to siblings, neighbors and travels. In such cases its imperative to work out differences via talk. Some care and concern which are Moon's specialization would go a long way to repairing bad effects of afflicted Moon.

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