Astro Isha

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Bears vs Bulls

     In financial markets there will always be ups defined by Bulls and downs defined by Bears. There was already an article about Predicting Financial Crisis which showed with data how markets fall to unbelievable lows when Saturn+Rahu or Saturn+Ketu combine together. In this article we would try to understand when markets rise above ordinary levels.

     There are times when markets rise above expectations. By going through previous market booms there is sufficient evidence to suggest Jupiter's transit or aspect on Leo leads to unbelievable market boom. Jupiter is the planet of hope and optimism. When Jupiter influences Leo than markets start getting hopeful and optimistic. And that shows in their valuation. Below are the times when stock markets or gold and silver markets rose above ordinary levels.

Note: NASDAQ is US national stock markets. NIFTY is Indian national stock markets. Gold prices are for 10 gram gold. While silver prices are for 1 kg(kilogram) silver in Indian Rupees(INR).

Harshad Mehta Scam

     In 1991 India was forced to open up its economy as a bailout clause by IMF. This led to early investors pumping stocks and index with unbelievable money. BSE(Bombay Stock Exchange) in less than a year went from 1200 in April 1991 to 4200 levels in April 1992. This spike meant BSE index tripled in just over a year. Ofcourse Harshad Mehta's pump and dump policy was primarily responsible for this unbelievable spike.

     But its important to note that Jupiter was travelling via Leo Sign which increased investor's confidence in stock markets albeit it was fake. But there is no denying the fact that the seasoned investors got unbelievable profits in this time period.

Dot Com Bubble

     Dot Com bubble was an unbelievable time period in US stock markets when NASDAQ rose from around 2500 levels around May 1999 to almost 4900 around March 2000. Ofcourse the rapid increase started well ahead in 1995 but the markets almost doubled between May 1999 to March 2000. Also the markets collapsed spectacularly afterwards.

     This time period came to be known as Dot Com Bubble. Price rise started around 1995 when Jupiter was in Sagittarius and aspecting Leo. But unbelievable price rise was observed after May 1999 once Jupiter entereed Aries and started aspecting Leo. And once Jupiter moved into Taurus around June 2000 and stopped aspecting Leo the price started decreasing drastically.

2007 Gold Price Rise

     Between June 2007 to January 2008 NIFTY did show a spike of almost fifty percent from 4300 levels to around 6200 levels when Jupiter was about to start aspecting Leo. Ofcourse it couldn't hold the momentum due to Saturn+Ketu joining together in Leo Sign. But gold continued to grow in this time and price increased from around 9300 Rs/10 gm to around 12,125 Rs/10 gm a rise of almost thirty percent.

2010-2012 Gold and Silver Boom

     Lehmann Brother collapse meant stock markets would take time to recover and grow. But gold and silver had no issues. Between 2010 to 2012 prices of gold grew from around 16,320 Rs/10 gm around April 2010 to around 28,000 Rs/10 gm. While silver prices increased from around 27,225 Rs/1 kg to 56,290 Rs/1 kg in same time period. Gold saw an increase of around 71% while silver prices nearly doubled to 100% in this time period.

Seven Year Market Rally

    Jupiter entered Leo around Mid-July 2015. And Rahu entered Leo around February 2016. And this started an unbelievable upward price rise in NASDAQ. NASDAQ rose form around 4300 levels around Mid-February 2016 to around 15,971 levels around November 2021. NIFTY also went from 7500 levels around February 2016 to around 18,500 levels around November 2021. Jupiter is the planet of optimism. And Rahu often acts as a magnifier. Jupiter's over-optimism was magnified by Rahu which resulted in NASDAQ rising to almost 300% while NIFTY also rose around 250% in this time period.

Not Always The Case

     There are times when markets didn't rise as expected even when Jupiter influenced Leo Sign. Prime case being 2003 when Iraq war was going on. Even in 2011 stock markets didn't rise although there was a spike in gold and silver prices.

Possible Future Market Rally

     With Jupiter in Aries and aspecting Leo there is a possibility of abnormal market rally or price rise in gold and silver between May 2023 to May 2024. Gold has already increased by 10,000 Rs in a year. And with elections in both India and United States there is every chance markets feels optimistic. Next market rally or price rise in gold and silver can come when Jupiter travels via Leo.

Note: Astrology by all means is a predictive subject. And it should never be used for gambling, trading, future-options or commodities.

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