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House of Death

When anyone thinks of eight house they generally think of death, divorce, transformation and taxation. Astrologers would ring the alarm bells once they see heavy influence on eight house. To be fair there is some validity to it. Having too many influence on eight house can indeed be troublesome.

Astrology is a Paradox

But astrology is a classic paradox. Eight house is indeed the house of death, divorce and transformation. But it is also House of Hidden Wealth and House of Hidden Knowledge. Eight house covers taxation but it also covers tax-saver bonds and funds. Eight house covers death but it also covers inheritance and life insurance schemes. Eight house covers divorce but it also covers alimony. Eight house covers court cases but it also covers getting settlement money. Below are the possible ways you can receive wealth via eight house.


Eight house deals with death. Losing a loved one is indeed tough experience. But in some cases the loved one leaves behind huge inheritance as part of his/her will. And native instantly becomes considerably rich. Normally strong Jupiter, Venus or Rahu influencing eight house would suggests considerable wealth via inheritance. Ofcourse other placements in strength could also give decent amount of wealth as inheritance.

Life Insurance Schemes

In case of early and unexpected death there is always life insurance and term life insurance which provides huge amount as part of remuneration to family members. Sometimes the one who insures is able to enjoy fruits of his investments in case the life insurance policy matures before his death. In most cases the paycheck is quickly obtained by either native or his/her family members. A strong eight house could ensure there is a huge sum obtained as a paycheck from insurance parties.


Eight house also deals with divorce. In modern times divorce is quite common. And in some cases marriage is done in order to get huge alimony as part of divorce settlement. Normally a good dasha period or favorable transits over eight house is enough to give considerable alimony as part of divorce settlement.

Note: We lack the horoscope data to judge monthly allowance via divorce settlement. As and when we have more information we will try and update the post.

Settlement Money

Seventh house may deal with legal papers, contracts, lawyers and litigation. But ultimately court cases and verdicts are decided by eight house. Lots of times an individual or business may need to pursue legal actions in courts and seek reparation for harm done to their reputation or business. In such cases strength of eight house is essential for case to be won by individual or business. If there is strength in seventh and eight house than individual or business entity can win considerable amount as settlement money.

Finding Treasure

Eight house also deals with hidden wealth. Wealth which may not be visible to naked eye. But after excavation one can obtain that hidden treasure. Many explorers or natives who stumble upon precious artifacts, gold coins, old fossils and historical items in their lands, beneath water or while performing house repairations have strength in eight house. Sometimes natives are able to find an oil well or gold mine in their land which they can sell for fortune. Natives who are able to discover wealth, precious artefacts and assets which are hidden from public eye generally have strength in their eight house.

Tax Saver Funds

Eight house also deals with taxation. In most countries there is a concept of tax saver bonds and mutual funds. That an individual is able to save some amount of his income which would otherwise go in taxes. Native can invest in tax-saver funds and tax-saver bonds ideally used by government for infrastructure projects. After certain time period the bonds/funds mature and native is able to claim back the amount. This maybe time consuming and tedious process but atleast certain amount of taxes can be saved via these methods. And one can get considerable amount on its maturity.

Tax Havens/Black Money

Lots of corporate entities, HNI(High Networth Individuals) and politicians save their money in tax havens and as black money in safe places. Eight house also rules over such hidden assets. Blessings of eight house are essential if a person wishes to safeguard his/her hidden assets from public eye, tax officials and government scrutiny.

Normally bad transits over eight house would lead to income tax raids and problem with rulers of land especially for those who do tax evasion. But that will never stop certain individuals from saving money in tax havens and as black money in safe places. As such eight house will always stay relevant for them.

Tough Road to Riches

Eight house can indeed grant unbelievable riches to an individual. But normally there is a price to be paid in order to obtain those riches. Inheritance comes via death of loved ones, insurance money comes after retirement or death, alimony comes after divorce, settlement money comes after court case and bad reputation, money from tax saver schemes only mature after certain time period. Even treasures are not available without digging, diving or doing repairs in house. Worst of all is black money which causes lack of sleep, tensions and anxiety due to constant fear of income tax raids.

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