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What is Visha Yoga?

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Vish Yoga is formed due to Saturn+Moon together in same sign in a horoscope. Vish means poison and this yoga can act as poison in life of individual. This yoga generally occurs every 27 days as it takes 27 days for moon to complete its rotation of earth and navigate via twelve signs in a horoscope. While this yoga is catastrophic for most, it has been shown that a few natives do rise above this bad placement and do wonders in their respective fields. Vish Yoga is also called as Nitrubhasha Yoga or Shani-Chandra yoga.

Article now available in hindi: Vish Yoga Hindi

Brief Intro

The very name Vish Yoga is enough to send jitters down the spine of many. If the angle between Saturn and Moon is less then 12 degrees than these yoga can show you hell on earth. Imagine yourself being assigned to a prison where you are bound by chains and there is is a stern and relentless warden who beats with a whip at the slightest mistake. If you imagine the pain, fear and trauma you are close to understanding what Vish Yoga natives feel inside their head. Albeit it is the mind of the natives which makes a mountain out of mole hill but the trauma experienced is similar to lifetime sentence in a dark, lonely prison.

However vedic astrology is a classic case of paradox. What is written is quite opposite of what is observed. Many Vish Yoga natives are quite successful in life and can even be great contributors to the society. However what is largely observed is these natives get very low returns for the substantial amount of efforts put in. Unless they work very hard it is difficult for them to achieve anything in life.

Understand Visha Yoga

To understand Vish Yoga well we need to understand the characteristics of the two planets which form the Vish Yoga. Saturn is made up of poisonous gases among other substances. Moon is responsible for causing tides and ebbs in the ocean. Some studies suggests Moon also affect harmones in human body. In astrology Moon is the significator for mind. Saturn poisons the mind of a native so the term Vish Yoga is used.

Digging deeper into the subject Saturn is the significator for fear, oppression, scarcity, poverty and hard work while Moon is the significator for emotions, unrequited love, affection and mother. Both of the planets are polar opposites in terms of personality and characteristics. When these two opposing planets combine in a horoscope they tend to constantly collide with each other on matters of ideologies. The mind of the native cannot make up whether he should guide his emotions or let emotions guide him. Naturally what follows is depression and despair a typical trait of Vish Yoga natives.

The picture is far more gloomy cause they may even become paranoid incapable of trusting others or believing in power of love. They are always physically tired and mentally exhausted. Often they attempt suicide but Saturn would not let them take an escape route. Ofcourse some poor souls do use that option but that road is ill-advised for Vish Yoga natives.

Effects of Visha Yoga

Saturn is a cruel planet and association with significator of mind(Moon) makes the mind become cruel as well. Many dictator and oppressors have Vish Yoga in their horoscope. These yoga can create an emotional oppressor and such natives have often been observed to oppress others or give pain and despair to others. Ofcourse there are those with Vish Yoga who help others and relieve their pain. Vish Yoga natives can sometimes have a harsh speech.

Vish Yoga and Other Planets

If Sun influences Saturn+Moon via placement or aspect a person can have a life full of struggles and difficulties. On bright side it could also provide success as a politician or help reach respectable position in a reputed firm provided Saturn or Sun are strong.

If Mars influences Saturn+Moon via placement or aspect they may actually derive happiness from torturing and harassing others. On bright side they are hard working and self made individuals who never give up.

If Mercury influences Saturn+Moon via placement or aspect they may have a sarcastic personality who likes mocking others. On bright side such people can be good in software coding, mathematics or accounting where attention to details are required.

If Jupiter influences Saturn+Moon via placement or aspect than they can be an asset to the society. They are born humanitarians and people flock around them for guidance and help.

If Venus influences Saturn+Moon via placement or aspect than there are high chances of troublesome love life or divorce in marriage. On bright side they can have wonderful design skills and can have a wonderful career in Quality and Assurance provided Saturn, Moon or Venus are strong.

If Rahu or Ketu influences Saturn+Moon via placement or aspect than that will most likely lead to failures, rejections, despair and hopelessness. Generally any sort of association of Moon, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu via aspect or placement suggests a life which is result of very bad karmas in past lives. On bright side Saturn and Rahu in friendly sign can help make one a successful politician or even an enterpreneur.

Solution for Visha Yoga

So how to tackle this difficult placement? It is not at all easy. Whether to choose mandate of duties and responsibilities assigned by Saturn or whether to go with emotions, love and care bestowed by Moon.

Get your horoscope analyzed by an astrologer. If Vish Yoga is in a friendly sign or exaltion sign of Moon than go with emotions otherwise all other scenarios go for duties and responsibilities of Saturn. As long as you take one of the path rest all should work out fine. No matter which path you take you would require concrete efforts(Saturn) to get your objective. So whether you are looking to help the world(Moon) or bend the world(Saturn) you need to focus on that objective. Do not dwell too much on other things and you are bound to end up as success in life.

Remedy for Visha Yoga

All solutions for Vish Yoga are useless without prayers to Mahadev(Shiva). Shiva is the remover of darkness and negativity, the drinker of poison, one who is Adi(without beginning) and Anant(without end). Recitation of 'Om Namah Shivay' specifically in evening and night is advised when Moon is present.

Prayers to Mahadev are necessary to remove hatred, jealousy and negativity which Visha Yoga natives have in abundance. But there is also a need to learn kindness, compassion and empathy which Visha Yoga natives lack. So prayers to Shri Hari Vishnu are important as he teaches compassion and kindness.

Avoid Pujas Unless Necessary

There are a few sites which propagate theories that Vish Yoga gets removed by performing specific pujas or yagnas. That is entirely false propaganda. Visha Yoga is one of the most powerful forms of Pitru Dosha. Vish Yoga is there in an individuals horoscope cause he/she has probably done horrible karmas in past lives. Law of karma is retribution. Your past life bad karma have to show you similar pain which you gave to others in order for them to be negated.

Any puja or yagna may provide temporary relief no doubt but it cannot and will not provide permanent relief from Vish Yoga and other such strong Pitru Doshas.

Treat Adversity As Opportunity

Life may never be all rosy for people with Vish Yoga but that does not mean their life is worthless. What many see as a curse due to hardships and sorrows may actually turn as a blessing. As soon as karma is balanced the hard work and discipline cultivated by Vish Yoga natives starts giving them the desired success. For that to happen the natives with Vish Yoga need to start treating difficulties as challenges and try to overcome them and move forward no matter what.

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