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Indicators Of troublesome Saturn

     Saturn invokes unparalleled fear in hearts of those who believe in vedic astrology. Saturn lacking strength in horoscope is the greatest gift while Saturn having strength in horoscope is quite a disadvantage. Quite a paradox considering a planet with strength should be considered positive while planet without strength should be considered negative.

     But Saturn is the significator of scarcity, famine, poverty, misery and hard work. It isn't a nice feeling when one needs to deal with poverty, misery and despair to succeed in life. Below are the indicators where Saturn is troublesome in your life.

  1. When native has a lot of worries and is always physically and mentally exhausted.
  2. Natives with troublesome Saturn have black marks under the eye. Those marks become more prominent when they are tensed or under-slept.
  3. Saturn causes native to worry a lot and that in turn effects the digestive system. Those who have problems like indigestion, flatulence, swelling of pancreas, stomach or intestines due to tensions are likely to have troublesome Saturn in horoscope.
  4. Those who work with diseased patients, poverty and debt ridden people, drug and alcohol addicts and other troubled souls. If remuneration for such difficult work is minimum than the native must have a troublesome Saturn in horoscope.
  5. Those who suffer from depression, phobias and anxiety for long periods of time may have Saturn associated with Moon or Saturn in ascendant. Saturn creates unnecessary fear and clouds the mind.
  6. In old age if native is sick, bed-ridden, reliant on others for day-to-day work, alone and full of misery for a long period of time than Saturn should be in Eight house or in troublesome placement.
  7. Natives who suffer from paralysis and other long, incurable disease could also have Saturn in weak house. Other planets also have a say in it but generally Saturn causes long duration of troubles.
  8. In a horoscope association of Saturn with Sun, Moon, Rahu or Ketu all spells trouble for the native.
Spiritual remedies For Saturn

     Prayers to Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman are ideal. Recitation of Shiva Mahimna Stotra, Shiva Tandav Stotram or Hanuman Chalisa is more than sufficient. Shani Japa Mantra by Ved Vyas could also help.

Shani Japa Mantra

नीलांजन समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम् |
छायामार्तंड संभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम् ||

Neelanjana Samaabhasam Ravi-putram Yama-agrajam
Chchaya-martaanda Sambhootam tam Namami Shanaiswaram

Shani Gayatri Mantra

Om kaakadhwajaaya vidmahae khadga hastaaya dheemahi tanno mandah prachodayaat

Physical remedies for Saturn

  Saturn causes mental and physical ailments. Most of them can be cured with regular yoga and pranayam. The best mudra to cure Saturn related ailments is vayu mudra followed by akash mudra.

  Regular walking, cycling, wwimming and aerobics would also help though it is necessary to walk in open space like parks or gardens. Saturn makes a native withdrawn and feel alienated. Thus natives are advised to visit public parks and events more often.

Diet for Saturn

     Saturn causes digestive troubles and mental anxities. In this scenarios it is necessary to eat food like banana, black urad dal(Vigna Mungo). Try to eat food which is low on taste but high on dietary supplements. Regularly consume castor oil to aid stomach related diseases.

Donation items for Saturn

  Offer black clothes and black urad dal to poverty ridden people. Help the poor and needy where possible. Visit orphanages and old age homes and try to be nice to them. Try to be helpful to others in need. Try to donate oil to poor and needy.

Understand Saturn, Fear Him Later

     Saturn was appointed as Judge by Lord Shiva. He judges the karma of all individuals on Earth and gives the reward or punishment which befits the action. Saturn has to reward a person who has done good karma and it is his job to punish those who have done bad karma. You can manipulate a normal judiciary with power and money but Saturn cannot be manipulated.

Forget Superstitions, Change Yourself

     As earlier explained in Saturn and Superstitions, Saturn isn't a devil as he is made out to be. He does give good fruits of your karma but it takes some time to come. As long as a person works hard, tries to help others. regularly donates to poor and needy as well as tries to improve lives of others around there is every chance that Saturn would hear their prayers and reward him/her when the opportune time comes. 

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