Astro Isha

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Silly Comparison

     Comparing two ficitional DC comics characters on an astrology website sounds strange. But if you read the article you will realize that its absolutely essential for astrology. On seventh anniversary of this website we decided to dispel another myth regarding astrology that gemstones can make you into a super hero and help you achieve anything. Ofcourse we have put a much better instagram post but it just didn't ever catch up. Maybe this article can wake up a few people though we do acknowledge we don't see chances high. Lets analyze the two fictional characters.

Green Lantern

     Green Lantern has a magical green ring which turns him into a super hero with abilities to fly, green layer protection against bullets, tank shells and almost all types of physical attacks. It has great offence capabilities as well with the ability to fire any kind of weapon according to the will of Green Lantern. The power used to harnass the ring is will-power. The stronger the will-power the stronger the Green Lantern becomes. Another feature is ring works on the imagination power. Basically better the imagination better the offensive and defensive capabilities of the Green Lantern.

Not too different from gemstones

     Gemstones also largely work based on users will. If a person believes in them they can show success and happiness to that person. If a person has doubts than gemstones won't do much good to them. Even those who swear by gemstones would agree with this much. Not everyone who wears a blue turqoise(firoza) will become famous and wealthy like Salman Khan. Similarly not everyone that wears a green emerald would become master strategist like Amit Shah. But astrologers do believe they bring out hidden potential especially in their dasha periods. And we have no evidence to counter or reject such claim.


     Batman has no special powers. He relies purely on guts and gizmos. One can argue he is rich who can buy latest weaponry but no one can deny he is battered and beaten down more than any other superhero by some of the most gruesome opponents. Yet he still comes out victorious cause he is analytical, brave and able to endure a beating waiting patiently for the right moment to strike and counter back.

Same as successful people

     Successful people like Batman rely on guts to take risks. Gizmos today can be anything from laptop to mobile to a tablet which can help plan their future better. Successful people are not afraid to fail. They understand the long-term benefits of a product or investment. They are brave enough to risk it all for their dream. And above all they are able to endure when things go wrong.

     There are lot of real world examples like Narendra Modi, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and many more such individuals who just refused to give up when thing went wrong, they were flexible enough to adapt to new technology and brave enough to follow their gut inspite of many naysayers.

Be Like Batman

     Things won't always go as planned with or without any gemstones or pendants. And if you honestly believe that gemstones or pendants will protect you like they protect Green Lantern than you may come out unharmed but never ever grow.

     But when things don't go as planned and you still decide to endure, be brave when everything around you is falling apart, be adaptible to change as well as be patient enough to wait for the right opportunity like Batman than you can work wonders in your life.

     Its not like we have high hopes cause most people are looking for shortcuts to success. But even if a few people change their opinion and decide to become like Batman than the purpose of this website will be fulfilled.

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