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Sleep And Astrology

   Sleep disorders are common in a lot of people. Some may have excess of sleep while others can barely get a few hours of sleep. Astrology and lunar calendar can both effectively deduce the type of sleep a person may have. It may not be noteworthy to those with normal sleeping patterns but those who have excess sleep or inadequate sleep can deduce and use counter measures to counter their sleeping habits.

Lunar Calendar Method

   Perhaps the easiest method to deduce sleeping patters. Those born near full moon are more likely to have inadequate sleep while those born near no moon are likely to have excess sleep disorder. This is not 100% accurate but it is more then likely that this scenario holds in most cases.

12th House

   Twelfth house is the house of losses but it is also the house of rest, sleep and imagination among other things. If there are planets like Venus, Moon, Positive Mercury or Jupiter than there are chances of having good sleep. Lord of twelfth house in first house or exchange of houses between twelfth house and first house is also a great indicator for a good sleep.

   If there are planets like Saturn, Mars, Sun or Ketu in the twelfth house than chances of having inadequate sleep, bad dreams and frequent breaks in sleep at night are very likely. Such planets as lords of twelfth house and placed in first House are also very likely to cause sleep apnea or insomnia. Natives could also suffer from bad dreams and anxiety before/during/after sleep if twelfth house and first house have lot of malefics like Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu or Ketu.

Super Cure: Pranayam

   Anulom Vilom and Brahmari are the two best pranayam to cure sleeping disorders. Both can be done at night also and around 10 minutes of Anulom Vilom and 5 minutes of Brahmari pranayam can cure most sleeping disorders. Regular exercise and yoga in the morning can also cure sleep disorders. 


   Those who have Inadequate sleep should avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, cafeinated drinks at night. Foods like banana, yogurt, warm milk with turmeric, rice and daal, almonds, chick peas help aid good sleep. Among non-veg items, foods like fish and chicken soup help get better sleep.

   If there is problem of excessive sleep than natives should try drinking hot water at night along with items like water melon, papaya or spinach. That would ensure early call to relieve bowel movement. This not only ensures native wakes up at opportune time but also helps eradicate toxins and stool from the body.

Mantras To Cure Bad Dreams

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु निद्रारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमोनमः ।।

Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Nidra Roopen Samsithaha I
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah II

Meaning: O Goddess, you are omnipresent. You also exist in sleep. I bow to you.

रामस्कंदम हनुमन्तं वैनतेयं वृकोदरम् |
शयनयः स्मरेन्नित्यं दुःस्वपनम तस्य नाशयति ||

Ramaskandam Hanumantam, Vainateyam Vrikodaram
Shayanayah smare nityam, duswapnam tasya nashyati

​Meaning: Praying to Lord Hanuman - the ardent devotee of Lord Ram - Garuda and Bheem before sleeping everyday, will destroy bad dreams and give you a good sleep.


Theory of Lunar Calendar is derived from works of Dr. Pankaj Nagar and Dr. Rohan Nagar both prominent astrologers who write for Divya Bhaskar.

Bad Dreams Mantra via URL:

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