Astrology might be a complex subject but reading a horoscope definitely isn't all that difficult. In this article we would look at how to study a North Indian horoscope. Its used mostly in northern India. You need to look at it counter clock vise but benefits are aspects are easy to draw. In North Indian horoscope 12 pm is the first house, 11 pm is the second house, 10 pm is third house and finally 1 pm is the twelfth house.
North Indian horoscope can be drawn in three easy steps
- Find the ascendant sign and place it in the first house.
- Assign rest of the astrological signs in counter clock vise direction as mentioned above.
- Assign the planets to the respective signs.
First there is a need to find the ascendant sign. There are softwares available nowadays that let you know your ascendant sign. If your ascendant is at 295 degrees than ascendant sign can be obtained by dividing 295 by 30. Closest multiple is 270 which is divisable by 9 so nine signs have already passed and ascendant is in tenth sign which is Capricorn. The remainder is 25 when 295 is divided by 30 and that is the degree at which ascendant is located. If it is below 30 degrees than ascendant would be Aries. If it is above 30 degrees and below 60 degrees than ascendant would be Taurus. So on and so forth. Always remember 12 pm is the ascendant or first house in North Indian horoscope.
After the first house is assigned as Capricorn than second house at 11 pm would be assigned Aquarius sign. Third House at 10 pm would be assigned Pisces sign. Seventh House at 6 pm would be assigned Cancer sign. And finally 1 pm there would be Sagittarius sign.

One can assign numbers to the associated sign if one wishes. For example Aries sign is assigned 1. Taurus sign is assigned 2. Libra is assigned 7. Capricorn is assigned 10. And finally Pisces is assigned 12. This part is not mandatory but done by most softwares and astrologers so it is worth knowing.

Next up is see where the planets are placed. All that is required is knowing at what degree the planet in your birth chart is located. If Rahu is located at 345 degrees than associated sign would be Pisces cause it above 330 and below 360 degrees. If Mars is located at 12 degrees than associated sign would be Aries cause it is above 0 and below 30 degrees. Saturn at 260 degrees would be in Sagittarius since it is above 240 degrees and below 270 degrees. Similarly one needs to assign the planets to the associated sign in the horoscope.

Beginners should keep it simple. Know the ascendant and assign it at 12 pm in the horoscope. Afterwards assign the rest of remaining signs in counter clock vise direction. Afterwards assign numbers to the signs. For example Capricorn is 10 and Aries is 1. This part although not mandatory helps as most software today use the number instead of signs. Last assign the planets to the associated signs. That's it. You know how to draw and read the North Indian horoscope now.
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