Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

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     Most people who follow vedic astrology understand basics like nine planets, twelve signs and twelve houses. Nine planets in vedic astrology are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. There is less confusion about twelve sign and their lords. But just to be clear below is image of twelve signs and their respective lords.

12 Signs and their Lords
sign lords
sign lords

     Modern astrological texts claim Rahu is the co-lord of Gemini and exalted in Aquarius. But there is no such claim in old astrological text.

     North style charts don't follow fixed sign positions like south style charts follow. So Aries can be in any of the twelve blocks in north style charts but in south style charts it will always be in second from top left.

12 Signs and their Elements
sign elements
sign elements

     Each sign is assigned an element. Signs and elements are used to know which places are suitable for stay as well as likely diseases a person may suffer from. For example those born in one of the water signs is better off staying near a river or ocean. They are more likely to suffer from cough, cold, typhoid, jaundice and other water borne diseases

12 Signs and their Direction
sign direction
sign direction
12 Signs and Body Parts
sign body
sign body

     Modern astrology has certain changes to the signs and the body parts they represent. Most notably Aquarius is assigned circulatory system.

     Heavy influences on any of the signs suggest troubles in those body parts. For example bad influence on Libra Sign suggests kidney failures. Bad influence on Aries Sign suggests head injuries and migraine problem.

9 Planets and 12 Houses

     Next up would be discussion about nine planets and later about twelve houses. Knowing these is the basics to understanding astrology.

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