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Intro Into Jaimini Jyotisha

Maharishi Jaimini was considered to be a student of Maharishi Ved Vyas. He had written Jaimini Sutras an important work in vedic astrology. Astrological concepts of Maharishi Jaimini don't consider nakshatras, tithi and vaar(days). It also does not consider planetary aspects and instead considers astrological signs as casting aspect.

Jaimini Karakas

Vedic astrology is incomplete without studying about Jaimini's graha karakas(planetary significators). They are quite simple and easy to understand. Seven planets namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn 's planetary degrees at birth-time are considered for calculations. Rahu and Ketu's planetary degrees are not considered in this calculation. Planets are arranged in descending order according to their degree placement in birth-time chart. And they are classified into seven categories mentioned below

Atma Karaka

Atma means soul. Atma Karaka means significator of soul. Atma Karaka is the planet at highest degree in horoscope. That planet signifies what the soul desires. Atma Karaka is extremely important as it can be used to decipher why soul has accepted this mortal body. Perhaps the most important question troubling individuals about what is their purpose in life? can be deciphered via Atma Karaka. The Atma Karaka planet and its placement plays an extremely important role in deciphering what soul desires in this life.

Amatya Karaka

In oldern days a king's trusted adviser was called as Amatya. Amatya Karaka is the planet with second highest degree in horoscope. This planet guides the native on right course of action. Some astrologers also consider it as significator of career and financial condition. Amatya Karaka and its placement may help a native decide how to achieve their purpose in life?

Bhatru Karaka

Bhatru means siblings specifically brother. Bhatru Karaka is the planet with third highest degree in horoscope. This planet guides the native on how to deal with father, siblings, neighbors, elders and team mates. Bhatru Karaka and its placement may help native decide which among father, siblings and team mates can help them achieve their purpose in life? For example Sun as bhatru karaka would imply father would be best suited to help, Mars as Bhatru Karaka would imply siblings will help while Jupiter as Bhatru Karaka means elders can help.

Matru Karaka

Matru means mother in sanskrit. Matru karaka is the planet with fourth highest degree in horoscope. This planet guides the native how to deal with mother. Furthermore it can also guide the person on whether to live in birth place or move abroad, whether to purchase or rent house and whether there can be profit/loss from agriculture and animal husbandry. Perhaps the most important question that can be deciphered using Matru Karaka is how to achieve peace and happiness in life?

Putra Karaka

Putra means son in sanskrit. Putra Karaka is the planet with fifth highest degree in horoscope. This planet can guide a person how to deal with children, friends, social circle and networking contacts. Perhaps the most important question that can be deciphered using Putra Karaka is how to increase fame, intelligence and progeny?

Gnati Karaka

Gnati means relatives in sanskrit. Releaves can be either on father or mother's side. In simple words it means extended family. Gnati Karaka can guide a person how to deal with relatives, extended family, debt, disease, enemies and struggles. Perhaps the most important question that can be deciphered uding Gnati Karaka is how to overcome challenges, defeat enemies, lessen debts and improve health?

Dara Karaka

Dara means wife in sanskrit. Dara Karaka is the planet with lowest degree in horoscope among seven planets. Dara Karaka can guide a person how to deal with spouse, business partner and legal issues. Perhaps the most important question that be deciphered using Dara Karaka is what kind of spouse does the soul desire?

Planet Characteristics Important

Planets and their nature are quite important when judging Jaimini Karakas. For example Venus as atmakaraka in fifth house would mean soul longs for love and romance. While Sun as atmakaraka in fifth house means soul longs for fame and intelligence. If Jupiter is atmakaraka in fifth house than soul longs to increase progeny and raise good children.

Moon as dara karaka means soul desires a loving and caring spouse while Mars as dara karaka means soul desires a confident and firm minded spouse.

Expectations vs Reality

General observation is a person doesn't always get what he/she desires. Just cause soul desires a kind, beautiful and loving spouse doesn't always mean one will get one. Spouse likely characterisitcs are mostly decided by seventh house and Navamsha Chart. Previous karmas play a huge role in deciding whether soul gets what it desires in this life or it needs to take a few more births.

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