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Eclipse and Anarchy

Sun in astrology represents government or ruler of land while Moon represents mind. And eclipse is the time when Sun and Moon are weakened by Rahu's power according to vedic astrology. We have previously written an article titled Eclipse and Anarchy to show how solar eclipse generally leads to anarchy, chaos, disorder and complete breakdown of law and order.

In last two eclipses itself there was start of Israel-Palestine conflict after 7th October 2024 just seven days prior to the solar eclipse which was on 14th October 2023. There was a very clear chance of Iran-Israel war becoming real in April 2024 when Israel bombed Iran's consulate in Syria while solar eclipse was around 8th April 2024.

Two Upcoming Eclipses

There will be a lunar eclipse happening on 18th September 2024 and solar eclipse happening on 2nd October 2024. There is already anarchy and chaos in Bangladesh with systematic genocide pogram of Hindus going on. And with September 2024 approaching there is every chance of chaos and anarchy engulfing India. There could also be start of Iran-Israel war. US presidential elections could turn ugly and chances of another attack on Donald Trump are not entirely ruled out.

Rage and anger in public can increase which could lead to riots and anarchy. Below are the generalized predictions of lunar eclipse and solar eclipse for twelve Moon signs according to vedic astrology. One can also use this as reference for ascendant signs.

Aries Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in twelfth house for Aries Moon. And it would cause stress and anxiety related to personal and financial losses. There could be severe identity crisis especially those living abroad or planning to go abroad on foreign soil. Those doing academic research or trying spirituality may also seem restless and unable to focus.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the sixth house for Aries Moon. And it would cause stress and anxiety related to health, debts, service role, debts and enemies. Unemployed ones could be frustrated and tensed by limited opportunities. While those unhappy in service roles may wish to quit.

Taurus Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in eleventh house for Taurus Moon. And it would cause stress and anxiety related to income, friends and business profits. Those with unstable income or no income would be stressed about making ends meet while there could be a fallout with elder brother, friends or social contacts. Deserved promotion getting overlooked could also increase frustration and stress in individuals.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the fifth house for Taurus Moon. Those involved in gambling and speculation can see increase in tension and anxiety. Children could also be cause of stress. There is also a chance to see negative fame and baseless accusations especially for those who remain in public glare. Natives could be drawn to conspiracy theories and knowledge of occults.

Gemini Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in tenth house for Gemini Moon. And it would cause stress and anxiety related to career, career growth and career direction. Relationship with father, bosses and co-workers can also cause anger and frustration. Stress and anxiety can increase for those without a job and also for those not happy in their current jobs.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the fourth house for Gemini Moon. Atmosphere at home can remain tensed and there can be no inner peace. Relationship with mother and other family members at home can cause anger and frustration to increase. Stress and anxiety related to work-life balance can increase. Career related to livestock, real estate, farming and WFH(work from home) can also cause problems.

Cancer Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in ninth house for Cancer Moon. And it would cause stress and anxiety related to higher education, religion and spirituality. Relationship with mentors, gurus and spouse's siblings can deteriorate which in turn lead to anger and frustration. Those planning to go abroad for higher studies can enounter problems. Important to avoid long-distance travels unless absolutely necessary.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the third house for Cancer Moon. Relationship with younger siblings and neighbors can cause anger and frustration to increase. Stress and anxiety can increase especially for those involved in marketing, communication, job relocation and daily commute for work. Important to avoid controversies on social media.

Leo Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in eight house for Leo Moon. There can be unnecessary and undesired transformation and challenges which can increase stress and anxiety in life. Anger and frustration can increase related to taxation, court case, backoffice work and relationship with in-laws. Important to pay taxes on time and avoid conflicts with in-laws and ruler of the land(govt in power).

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the second house for Leo Moon. Relationship with family members can have its share of problems. Anger and frustration can increase related to savings, finances and family life. Important to avoid friction with family members, keep a check on spending and visit doctor for any mouth, teeth or neck problems.

Virgo Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in seventh house for Virgo Moon. And it would cause stress and anxiety related to business and legal issues. Relationship with spouse and business partners can have differences which in turn lead to anger and frustration. Getting married or starting business is ill-advised for next six months until 5th February 2025 due to eclipse and seventh lord Jupiter turning retrograde.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the first house for Virgo Moon. Mind can be clouded by negativity and unable to think clearly which in turn can affect confidence and physical health. Anxiety, phobia and depression can impact rational thinking capacity. Important to avoid any major decisions related to life's important event. Its equally important to take help of friends, family and doctor in case of mental breakdown.

Libra Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in sixth house for Libra Moon. And it would cause stress and anxiety related to service roles, unemployment, debts and diseases. Relationship with subordinates, maternal uncle/aunt and caretaker if any can deteriorate which in turn lead to anger and frustration. Those looking to change jobs or apply for new job roles may encounter setbacks. Important to take care of health and avoid job related stress.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the twelfth house for Libra Moon. Those living abroad can suffer from identity crisis. Setbacks and failures in academic studies, personal and financial losses can increase anger and frustration. Stress and anxiety can increase especially for those planning to go abroad. Important to avoid conflicts on foreign land.

Scorpio Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in fifth house for Scorpio Moon. And it would cause stress and anxiety related to gambling, speculation stock markets. Relationship with children can deteriorate which in turn lead to anger and frustration. Important to keep low profile in order to avoid negative fame and stay away from gambling and speculation.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the eleventh house for Scorpio Moon. Income and business profits can cause increase in stress and anxiety. Those who are unemployed or have unstable income will see increase in anger and frustration. Relationship with friends and social contacts can also be negatively impacted. Important to avoid any major decision which can impact income and business profits.

Sagittarius Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in fourth house for Sagittarius Moon. Issues related to home, land assets, vehicles, livestock and farming can cause stress and anxiety. Relationship with family members at home can deteriorate which in turn can increase anger and frustration. Work life balance will be negatively impacted which in turn can impact inner peace. Important to avoid major decisions related to property and vehicles.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the tenth house for Sagittarius Moon. Career growth and career direction can increase stress and anxiety. Those who have heavy workload will see increase in anger and frustration. Relationship with boss and co-workers can also be negatively impacted. Important to avoid any major decision related to career around eclipse time.

Capricorn Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in third house for Capricorn Moon. Issues related to communication, social media and job relocation can cause stress and anxiety. Relationship with youngers siblings and neighbors can deteriorate which in turn lead to anger and frustration. Job relocation and breathing problems can cause problems. Important to avoid controversies on social media around eclipse time.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the ninth house for Capricorn Moon. Higher education, relationship with mentors and long-distance travels can increase stress and anxiety. Heated debates related to religion on social media can cause anger and frustration to increase. Relationship with mentors, gurus and spouse's siblings can also be negatively impacted. Important to avoid any religious arguments or taunting others beliefs online.

Aquarius Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in second house for Aquarius Moon. Issues related to savings and family can cause stress and anxiety. Relationship with family members can deteriorate which in turn lead to anger and frustration. There can be problems in teeth, mouth and neck region. Important to avoid harsh words and hateful speech around eclipse time.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the eight house for Aquarius Moon. Court cases, tax issues, accidents and setbacks can increase stress and anxiety. Tax problems, insurance claims, inheritance and sudden transformations can cause anger and frustration to increase. Relationship with in-laws, tax officials and spouse can also be negatively impacted. Important to avoid pursuing court cases or fights with spouse and in-laws.

Pisces Sign


Lunar Eclipse: Lunar eclipse will happen in first house for Pisces Moon. Issues related to mental health and physical wellbeing cause stress and anxiety. Fear, phobias and depression can cause individual to lose his rational thinking capacity. It maybe necessary to get treatment for mental health condition. Important to avoid negative thoughts and taking important life decisions around eclipse time.

Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse will happen in the seventh house for Pisces Moon. Marriage as well as business, partnership and legal matters can increase stress and anxiety. Problems in marriage and business can cause anger and frustration to increase. Relationship with spouse and business partners can also be negatively impacted. Important to avoid opening business and partnership or seeking permanent separation from spouse around eclipse time.

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