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Most Auspicious Time

Clients often ask astrologers about the most auspicious time of day to start an important task. They hope starting a given task in a particular time of day will bring them luck, prosperity and success. Ideally transit chart needs to be considered when deciding auspicious day. But when some unavoidable work comes up which needs to be finished in day itself than one may end up in a dilemma what to do.

Vedic seers had designed Abhijit Muhurat for the purpose of doing unavoidable task in a given day. Abhijit is considered the king among muhuratas as there are far better chances of success in any given career tasks. Shri Ram was said to be born in Abhijit Muhurat. And that is what granted him unbelievable fame and victory over powerful enemies.

Basics Of Muhurat

In vedic calendar there is a concept of muhurat. Its designed to find auspicious, profitable, troublesome and difficult periods in a given day. One full day from sunrise to next sunrise is dividied into day and night. Afterwards both day and night are further divided into eight parts. So there are a total of sixteen muhurat in given full day.

Note: Vedic day lasts from sunrise to next sunrise. And day and night difference will drastically increase as one moves further away from equator.

Location Changes Muhurat

Muharats are decided on sunrise and sunset timings which may vary in different locations. As such its important to choose the accurate place or nearest available location when choosing muhurat. Otherwise muhurat timings may not be accurate.

Why Choose Abhijit?

Abhijit is a sanskrit term which means victorious or conquerer. Abhijit muhurat is designated to time when Sun is transiting via tenth house in transit chart. Sun is king among planets and tenth house is the house of career. Sun in tenth house grants victory, fame and success to an individual. So Abhijit is the most auspicious muhurat in a given day to start a career task.

How To Calculate Abhijit?

Sun rises in east everyday and there is always an astrological sign which passes over eastern horizon at time of sunrise. For example Sun rises in Aries between 13th April to 14th May as there is Aries Sign on eastern horizon. Sun rises in Cancer between 16th July to 16th August as there is Cancer Sign on eastern horizon. The sign at eastern horizon is also known as ascendant.

Now ascendant changes roughly every two hours in a particular day. Sun from first house at sunrise moves into twelfth house, later into eleventh house and later into tenth house. Roughly around afternoon time of day Sun is generally in tenth house. And that time is when Abhijit Muhurat happens in day.

Softwares Available

There is no need for non-astrologers to learn astrological calculations or astrological concepts. All they need to know is a term called Abhijit Kaal/Muhurat and look over in various softwares available on internet. There are also daily panchang books available for a given year.

If there is an unavoidable career tasks to be done like signing important documents, file candidature, filing court case etc than starting in Abhijit Muhurat is advised.

Avoiding Rahu Kaal with Abhijit

In vedic astrology Rahu is said to cause eclipse to the Sun. And Rahu is designated a particular time in a given day which is known as Rahu Kaal. When Rahu Kaal co-incides with Abhijit Kaal than its best to avoid that time period as Rahu Kaal can eclipse good effects of Abhijit Kaal.

Abhijit Kaal on Wednesday needs to be avoided if possible as it happens around same time as Rahu Kaal. Even on a Friday sometimes the end of Rahu Kaal co-incides with Abhjit Muhuarat.


This article is inspired by writings of noted astrologer Dr. Pruthul Mehta in an article written on 18th April 2024 in a popular newspaper daily Divya Bhaskar.

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