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What are Planetary Avasthas?

In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra(BPHS) which is one of the most trusted ancient books on vedic astrology there is a concept of calculating age of planets in a horoscope. Avastha roughly translates to phase in life. Like childhood, youth and old age. Maharishi Parashar who wrote BPHS ascertains that planets according to their degree in horoscope are running through a particular avastha(phase).

Five basic avasthas are:

  • Bal Avastha which is childhood phase.
  • Kumar Avastha which is the teen phase.
  • Yuva Avastha which is the youth phase.
  • Vriddha Avastha which is the old phase.
  • Mrityu Avastha which can be termed as near death phase.
How to Calculate Planetary Avasthas?

The basic avasthas or phase of life are quite easy to calculate. All one needs is to to know degree of planets and one can assign the associated avastha(phase of life) for it. Every avastha is assigned six degrees. Based on a planets degree its in particular avastha.

Odd signs are assigned avasthas in ascending degree while even signs are assigned avasthas are assigned in descending degree.

Odd Signs

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are denoted by one, three, five, seven, nine and eleven in horoscope. Hence are considered odd signs.

Even Signs

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are denoted by two, four, six, eight, ten and twelve in horoscope. Hence they are considered even signs.

Planetary Avasthas and Strength
AvasthaOdd SignEven SignStrength
Bala 0°-6° 30°-24° 25%
Kumar 6°-12° 24°to 18° 50%
Yuva 12°-18° 18°-12° 100%
Vriddha 18°-24° 12°-6° Negligible
Mrityu 24°-30° 6°-0° 0%

For example Sun located in odd sign Aries at 3°28" will be in bala avastha. But Sun in even sign Cancer at 3°28" will be in Mrityu Avastha.

Strength Via Placement

Sometimes the degree at which planets are placed don't exactly do justice to strength of planet in horoscope. For example exalted Saturn at 15°24" in Libra is not the same as debilitated Saturn at 15°24" in Aries. So three extra concepts are added to determine strengths

  • Jagrut Avastha also known as awakened state. Where planet is in own-sign or exaltion sign. For example Jupiter in Cancer at 16°48" will be in Jagrut Avastha. Native will see full results if planet is in Jagrut Avasthas.
  • Swapna Avastha also known as dreaming state. Where planet is in friendly or neutral sign. For example Mercury in Libra at 22°10" in Libra will be in Swapna Avastha. Native will see half results if planet is in Swapna Avasthas.
  • Susupt Avastha also known as sleeping state. Where planet is in enemy sign or debilitation sign. For example Mars in Cancer at 3°20" would be in Susupt Avastha. Native will see negligible or no good results if planet in Susupt Avastha.
Keeping It Simple

Astrology can become as simple or as complicated as one desires. Ideally one should know five basic avasthas and three avasthas which calculate its strength via placement. This should be enough to determine strength of a planet. For example Saturn being debilitated in Aries at 3°15" will be in Susupt Bal Avastha which is really bad placement for it. While Sun being exalted in Aries at 10°12" will be in Jagrut Kumar Avastha which is quite a strong placement for Sun.

Other Avasthas

Other avasthas include

  • Dipt Avastha when planet is in exaltion sign.
  • Swasth Avastha when planet is in own-sign.
  • Pramudit Avastha when planet is in friendly sign.
  • Din Avastha when planet is in neutral sign.
  • Vikala Avastha when planet is associated with a malefic planet.
  • Dukhit Avastha when planet is enemy sign.
  • Khal Avastha when planet is strong enemy sign.
  • Kop Avastha when planet is combust by being very close to Sun.
  • Lajjit Avastha when planet is with Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Saturn and Mangal. Basically planet with malefics as co-tenants.
  • Garvit Avastha when planet is in exaltion or Moontrikon position.
  • Kshudhit Avastha when planet is enemy sign, has Saturn as co-tenant or receives aspect of an enemy planet.
  • Trushit Avastha if planet is in water signs(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) and receives aspect fo malefic planet.
  • Mudit Avastha when planet is friendly sign, with Jupiter as co-tenant or placed/aspected by a benefic.
  • Kshobhit Avastha when planet has Sun as co-tenant and is placed/aspected by a malefic.

According to Maharishi Parashar the houses where Ksudhit or Kshobhit planets are placed have associated fruits of house destroyed by the planets.

Stuff Excluded

Maharishi Parashar has done unbelievable research related to planetary avasthas. And its impossible for an article to show all his resarch. Main goal of this article was the simplify the basic planetary avasthas. And hopefully we have done it. For astrological enthusiasts they can always refer to BPHS for more info on planetary avasthas.

Theory vs Practicals

One of the major mistake that astrologers and astrological enthusiasts do is count the strength of a planet from degree. Problem is real life examples would always humble you. For example theory says planets at lowest or highest degree have 25% or no strength in horoscope. And yet current PM of India Narendra Modi with almost all planets in bala or maran avastha is one of the most successful and popular person on this planet.

In The Long Run

In long run degrees are irrelevant. That could be your college and school degrees or even your planetary degrees which is basis for calculating avasthas. Its absolutely true that planets in certain signs and located at certain degree would give better results in short term just like good educational qualifications would give you good jobs in a reputed company.

In long run though only thing that matters are your efforts and belief in yourself. Degrees rarely ever determine your whole life whether its your educational degrees or your planetary degrees.

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