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     There is free software available on Main Page to calculate your Daily Fortune using Navtara. All you need to know is your birth-time nakshatra.

     If you don't know your birth-time nakshatra you can use our horoscope software especially its Nakshatra Finder feature.

What is Navtara System?

     Navtara is essentially made up of two words. Nav means nine and Tara means star. Navtara system is a vedic concept designed to predict daily fortune for an individual using movement of Moon's transit via various nakshatras.

Basics Of Moon and Nakshatras

     For beginners who have no clue about vedic astrology lets simplify it further. There are twenty-seven nakshatras known as constellations in the sky. It takes Moon about 27.3 days to revolve around the earth. During this period of twenty seven days it passes via each and every one of the twenty-seven nakshatras.

How Navtara System Works?

     Navtara requires knowing your birth-time nakshatra. In simpler words a native needs to know Moon's nakshatra at time of birth. After that native needs to know the current nakshatra through which Moon is traversing. So you would need two things to calculate navtara

  1. Nakshatra at birth-time
  2. Current Nakshatra Transit Of Moon
Nine Categories Of Navtara

     Navtara system brackets twenty-seven nakshatras into nine categories. Three nakshatras are assigned to each category. Moon's transit via these three nakshatras of single category would provide similar results. For example when Moon travels via ninth, eigtheenth and twenty-seventh nakshatra from birth-time nakshatra it would give similar results. Lets look at each category in details and the nakshatras they contain.

Janma Tara

Nakshatra Covered: First, Tenth and Ninteenth

     Janma means birth and Tara means star. Janma Tara can provide mixed results. Moon's transit via Janma Tara can provide a native with mental and physical strength. Whatever a native does in this transit phase can have a significant impact on his/her mind and body. So its important that native tries exercise, diet control and positive thoughts. Native must avoid negativity and over-eating.

Sampat Tara

Nakshatra Covered: Second, Eleventh and Twentieth

     Sampath means wealth, prosperity, enjoyment and good fortune. Moon's transit via Sampath Tara can provide a native with happiness and enjoyment. Its a wonderful transit to plan finance which can help native become wealthy and prosperous in long run. Good fortune will smile on native during this transit and its important he/she make the most of it.

Vipat Tara

Nakshatra Covered: Third, Twelfth and Twenty-First

     Vipat means distress and problems. Accordingly Moon's transit via Vipat Tara can provide native with set backs and challenges. One can run into troubles and dangers. There can be accidents, failures and inimical events which can trouble native during this transit. Its important native stays calm and avoids starting any important work unless absolutely necessary during this transit.

Kshema Tara

Nakshatra Covered: Fourth, Thirteenth and Twenty-Second

     Kshema means all round prosperity. Moon's transit via Kshema Tara can bring good results. There is a possibility of increase in prosperity and fortune. There is also a sense of overall well-being as well as protection in actual sense guaranteed during this transit.

Pratyak Tara

Nakshatra Covered: Fifth, Fourteenth and Twenty-Third

     Pratyak means opposition. Moon's transit via Pratyak Tara can provide native with obstacles and adversities. Its important one avoids starting any important work during this transit unless absolutely necessary. Chances of gaining unfavorable results are not ruled out during this transit of Moon.

Sadhaka Tara

Nakshatra Covered: Sixth, Fifteenth and Twenty-Fourth

     Sadhaka means a seeker or one who looks for answers. Moon's transit via Sadhaka Tara can give success, achievements and a sense of fulfillment. Whatever a native seeks during this transit period can be gained so he/she must seek success, happiness and love.

Naidhana Tara

Nakshatra Covered: Seventh, Sixteenth and Twenty-Fifth

    Naidhana means death and destruction. Moon's transit via Naidhana Tara can bring dangers and misfortunes on native. There is a possibility of death or destruction of something important in life of the native. If possible one should avoid starting any important task or auspicious activity during this period.

Mitra Tara

Nakshatra Covered: Eight, Seventeenth and Twenty-Sixth

     Mitra means friend. Mitra is one of the Adityas who is God of treaties, marriage vows and friendly ties. Moon's transit via Mitra Tara can provide native with happiness and companionship. Its an ideal transit for marriage, proposing your love for someone, get togethers with friends as well as signing contracts(treaties). This transit can provide good results in all important undertakings.

Ati Mitra Tara

Nakshatra Covered: Ninth, Eighteenth and Twenty-Seventh

     Ati Mitra is also known as super friend. Moon's transit via Ati Mitra Tara would provide extremely favorable results in all of native's undertakings. Starting any important and auspicious task during this transit of Moon can provide favorable results and huge gains in long run. Its a great transit for those seeking spiritual progress.

Not Limited To Daily Readings

     Navtara System is a reliable method to predict other important evenths in life besides daily fortune. For example: Its ideal to start a business partnership when lord of your seventh house travels via one of the Sampath, Kshema, Mitra or Ati Mitra nakshatra counted from birth-time placement of your seventh house lord.

     Another example would be to avoid goind abroad for higher studies when ninth house lord is passing via Vipat, Pratyak or Naidhana Tara counted from nakshatra placement of ninth house lord in birth-time chart.

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