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What are Beej Mantras?

     Word beej is a sanskrit term for seed. We need to plant a seed in order to grow a plant which produces fruits, vegetables or flowers. Similarly we have different beej mantras which give different results as per the requirement of a person. Some require health, others require love while some others require money. Regular recitation of these beej mantras can pretty much grant most of what we desire in life. Below are some of the beej mantras and their incredible benefits.

Om For Stress & Anxiety

     Om is the seed sound of universe. This mantra represents the holy trinity of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. This mantra is the best known remedy to cure stress and anxiety. Its the perfect remedy to get a clear mind which can think logically and rationally. This in turn helps us become more productive and decreases unnecessary friction with others.

How To Speak

Shreem For Wealth

     Shreem is the seed sound for wealth. If you are always low on cash or if your expenditures are more than your income then speaking this mantra would give you wealth or atleast a way to increase it. Speak this mantra while staring at Shree Yantra to increase its effects.

How To Speak

Kleem For Love & Marriage

     Kleem is the seed sound of love. All those people who lack love and romance in life as well have difficulty getting married or finding someone special should speak this mantra with Om. This mantra can also help remove differences in marriage and relationships.

How To Speak

Ayeem For Education

     Ayeem is the seed sound of education. Anyone who has trouble getting good grades as well as trouble focusing on studies should speak this mantra. This mantra would help get knowledge, improve confidence and communication skills as well as bless one with good oratory skills. Students should speak this beej mantra along with Gayatri Mantra for focus. They should also try Anulom Vilom and Udgeet Pranayam to help deal with stress. Also important is regular practise of thoppukaranam which would improve their grades drastically.

How To Speak

Hreem For Clarity

     Hreem is the seed sound for clarity. Its hard to gain clarity in head when you are disturbed or suffering due to something. Hreem is the mantra which can bring some clarity even when you are drowning in sorrow. Use OM before Hreem for better effects.

How To Speak

Gam For Wisdom

     Gam is the seed sound for wisdom. There are many people with high levels of knowledge and intelligence. But still they fail in life and are unhappy. Cause they fail to understand where to apply and where not to apply their knowledge and intelligence. Wisdom is the quality which can help them decide the time and place when their knowledge and intelligence can be helpful and appreciated. This beej mantra is mostly used when praying to Lord Ganesha who is the God of wisdom.

How To Speak

Other Beej Mantras

     There are many other beej mantras like Kreem, Hroum, Fraum, Dam(pronounciated Daammm), Ram(pronounciated Raammmm), Yam(pronounciated Yaammmm), Hleem, Treem and many others. Information and videos about them are less so they aren't explained in detail. But most of these beej mantras provide incredible benefits to the one who recites them.

Have Faith

     Any solution or remedy requires complete faith for it to work. Most people today have problems related to stress, depression, finances, marriage, education or health. Speaking one of the beej mantras may greatly help in getting a solution to your problems. Sometimes the solution may take time to come but it should definitely be visible after some time.

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