Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

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     Most people who follow vedic astrology know there are twelve horoscope houses. Each of them represent an important aspect of human life. Most of them are common knowledge but some things are different in vedic astrology especially the designated lords of the houses.

Houses and their Lords

     Most confusing part which people often get wrong are the lords of the houses. They often confuse house lords with sign lords. So they assign Mars as natural lord of first house cause it is the lord of first sign Aries. Bhrigu Samhita a well-researched ancient text has assigned planetary lords to twelve houses described in image below.

house lords
house lords
Houses and Relatives

     Every horoscope house represents a relative. Planets and signs decide the kind of relative a native begets.

house family
house family
Houses and What They Represent
house rep
house rep
Basics Essential

     Basics of astrology are:

  1. 9 Planets
  2. 12 Signs
  3. 12 Houses(written in this article)

     Once you understand this much other things become a lot easy. Anyone who has interest in astrology should start with these three basic principles. Rest of it comes later.

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