Astro Isha

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     Eleventh House is the house of income and gains. According to Bhrigu Samhita, Jupiter is the natural lord of eleventh house. Ketu in eleventh house may give decent income but lacks the ambition to increase sources of income.

     Ketu is the planet of detachment and spirituality. Ketu doesn't care what others think of him. And that is why income, profits and gains are of no meaning to Ketu. But that does not mean natives with ketu in eleventh house don't make any money. They are very likely to have a very good income source. This is especially true if strong planets are co-tenants. Ketu in eleventh house is unlikely to inspire the native to get promotions and salary raise. In business Ketu doesn't feel the need to expand and increase business profits. If Ketu is in bad condition then there is a possibility of low income throughout lifetime and no real ambition to change that scenario. Native with Ketu in eleventh house is quite likely to be involved in some sort of charitable causes.

     Eleventh house is also the house of friends and networking contacts. Ketu is anti-social and hates socializing. Chances of real and trustworthy friends are comparatively less. Even less likely is getting help from networking contacts or for that matter of fact having any networking connections. Ofcourse if others planets help than scenario can be different. But Ketu alone would drive a native to stay away from friends and networking contacts.

     With Ketu in eleventh house there would be Rahu in fifth house. If Rahu has strength than there would be sudden and unexpected profits possibly from gambling, horse racing or stock markets. If Rahu lacks strength than there can be losses also. There are chances for mental troubles and monetary losses in case native is a betting addict.

     Ketu is good in eleventh house. But since Rahu would be in fifth house it can make native a compulsive gambler. Native must learn to say NO to regular betting and gambling. He/She should avoid risking more than 10% of their income on easy money. They will get lots and lots of chances for sudden and unexpected profits. They should patiently wait for those chances. Native must also learn not to be too charitable. Charity is a good thing but it cannot be done at expense of yourself and your loved ones.

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