Astro Isha

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     Saturn is negativity, fear and oppression. Sixth house looks after debts, disease and enemies. Two negatives combine to make a positive. This holds true in astrology as well. Saturn does well in sixth house especially if there is a friendly or own sign. There is victory over debt, disease and enemies. Native is famous and courageous. Native makes a lot of enemies but is victorious over them. He/She is blessed with long life albeit the aspect on eight house may give some long, incurable disease in old age but overall the native is healthy and strong. Native is best advised to stay away from maternal relatives as frictions and indifference's may prop up. But a few natives do derive excellent benefits and have wonderful rapport with maternal relatives.

     Saturn gives an excellent career when placed in sixth house. Whether native is in service or owns a business the employees that work under him are loyal and very helpful. Native is philanthropic and donates generously to orphanage and poor. But sometimes the negativity of Saturn and sixth house can make native into a stone hearted individual. Due care is needed to avoid that scenario. Saturn's aspects the eight house, twelfth house and third house from his placement in sixth house. This works fine as Saturn is natural lord of eight house and twelfth house. Having said that due care needs to be taken when dealing with in-laws, marriage partner, filing tax returns and managing hidden assets. The aspect on twelfth house is known to give legal troubles and possible prison sentence especially if there is an enemy sign in twelfth house. Law cases and legal procedures are many due to Saturn in sixth house. Native's relation with siblings could be problematic and fights for property issues are possible. 

     Saturn in sixth house is a great placement especially in a friendly sign. It gives the necessary courage and stamina to fight against difficulties and emerge victorious. Most famous and successful personalities are those who have seen adversities and overcome them. Saturn in sixth house is a god given gift to rise over difficulties in life and achieve success and stardom. There are possibilities of health problems in old age and prison sentence for which the native must pray to Lord Shiva and recite the Mahamrityunjay japa. 

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