Astro Isha

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     Saturn in seventh house is in the house of his friend Venus. Saturn does good in the house where it is placed but does bad to the houses which it aspects. Seventh house is primarily the house of contracts. Marriage and business partnerships are governed by seventh house. With Saturn in seventh house marriage is generally very late. The spouse is likely to be much older or younger than the native. Having said that the marriage is successful inspite of many difficulties and frictions. Possible periods of separation from spouse owing to work or some other reason. 

     Business partnership is unfavorable. If there is partnership than native must ensure all legal framework is agreed and signed so he/she gets some compensation in case of break-up. Business may end up bringing irrepairable losses. So native is advised to stick to service roles. If he/she decides to pursue a business then he must ensure proper legal procedures are followed, not neglecting any aspect of business, paying detailed attention to the daily handlings and working harder then he/she would do in service roles to ensure the business is a sucess. Native could face problems during long distance travel or higher studies on foreign shores. Studies is somewhat poor unless other planets help. Constant pressure and unstability may drive away peace of mind. Native may have a dark complexion and low confidence. Lines, grey hair/baldness and other signs of old age should come up earlier than normal. There is high chance of native settling abroad away from homeland and close relatives. 

     Some considerations in business and careful planning are required for Saturn in seventh house. Marriage maybe late but generally a decent experience. Native with Saturn in seventh house needs to work on self-esteem and health. Though native may settle abroad he/she could still have good relationships with family. There are chances of early ageing. Also native may feel tensed and tired due to over-thinking. Prayers to Lord Ram and Lord Shiva help.

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