Astro Isha

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     Saturn is the natural lord of eight house. Saturn's placement in eight house gives better results in youth and middle age. In old age lots of disease, troubles and miseries are possible. Saturn gives excellent results in career where access to secret and classified information is required like backdoor diplomacy and spying. Saturn also gives a wonderful career as a mystic. Saturn in eight house can make an excellent doctor in treatment of reproductive organs and secretive disease. Any subject which requires secretive and under hand dealing is great for native with Saturn in eight house.

     The effect of Saturn's aspect is strongly felt on tenth house which deals with career. Career reputation is minumum although native maybe doing great work and earning decent income. Although that is not bad as limelight would do more harm than good and generally it is due to negative publicity. Savings may suffer due to long and incurable diseases especially in old age. There are problems conceiving and raising the child. There are frictions with father, boss and people at work place. There could be problems in excretory system due to constipacy and stones in kidney or urethra. Many natives with Saturn in eight house complain of constipacy. In old age there could be long and incurable disease which could harass the native. 

     Overall Saturn gives good results in his placement in eight house. There could be problems with digestive system and kidney for which the native is advised to do regular exercise, drrink water as well as eat proper diet. As natives dealings would involve secretive and confidential subjects career prestige will be low. So satisfaction with career prestige is necessary. Native should regularly recite mahamrityunjaya japa and mrityunjay japa to avoid misery in old age. Also prayers to Lord Shiva are beneficial. Some compromises should be done to keep cordial relationship with family and children at home. 

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